InfoQ Homepage Messaging Content on InfoQ
A Darwinian Approach to APIs in Government Health
Bruce Haefele shares from the successes and failures implementing an API strategy at Healthdirect Australia.
From Zero to Hero with Spring WebSocket
Sergi Almar presents how to enhance a traditional Spring MVC application with real-time functionalities and bidirectional messaging based on WebSockets for a more interactive user experience.
Spring MVC 4.2: New and Noteworthy
Rossen Stoyanchev offers an overview of new features for web applications in Spring Framework 4.2: HTTP streaming, Server-sent events, cross-origin requests, HTTP caching, and WebSocket updates.
Applied Spring Integration, Spring AMQP and RabbitMQ in Spring XD
Gary Russell discusses how Spring Integration and Spring AMQP are used as two of the underlying technologies in Spring XD.
Aeron: The Next Generation in High-performance Messaging
Aeron is a high-performance messaging system written in Java built with mechanical sympathy in mind, and can run over UDP, Infiniband or Shared Memory, using lock-free and wait-free structures.
Testing Web Services, Microservices and APIs
Katrina Clokie discusses how BNZ does web (SOAP, REST) services testing, the tools and practices employed and some of the resources and exercises their testers use to learn how to test.
Message-driven Microservices in the Cloud
Mark Fisher and Dave Syer perform a series of live demos on different platforms ranging from local to a remote Cloud to show the simplicity of the Spring Cloud Stream developer experience.
Getting Started with Spring Cloud
Josh Long and Dave Syer focus on how Spring Cloud integrates service registration, declarative REST clients, messaging microservices with Spring Cloud Stream and much more.
Workers, Queues, and Cache
Jason McCreary takes a look at using background job processes, messaging queues, and cache to help an application scale.
Data Migration at Scale with RabbitMQ and Spring
Félix López, Alvaro Videla discuss about RabbitMQ and messaging architectures, both from a theoretical perspective and a practical one.
Protocols - The Glue for Applications
Torben Hoffmann talks about how to design systems with asynchronous message passing between processes that do not share any memory.
Aeron: The Next Generation in High-performance Messaging
Martin Thompson focuses on the design of Aeron, what they learned trying to achieve consistent performance, and challenges performing UDP messaging in a lock-free and wait-free manner.