InfoQ Homepage Messaging Content on InfoQ
Shuttle Service Bus
Eben Roux introduces messaging using a service bus, explaining the differences between WCF, web services and a service bus, and demoes how Shuttle handles messages.
RabbitMQ and .NET with EasyNetQ
Mike Hadlow explains why RabbitMQ makes a compelling solution for building scalable systems, overviewing its exchange-binding-queue routing topology and showing how to build messaging patterns with it
JavaScript as Data Processing Language & HTML5 Integration
Quentin Adam discusses the connections between NoSQL, data processing, message broking and JavaScript, and how one can quickly prototype with these tools.
Facebook Messages: Backup & Replication Systems on HBase
Nicolas Spiegelberg discusses Facebook Messages built on top of HBase, the systems involved and the scaling challenges for handling 500TB of new data per month.
Running with the Devil: Mechanical Sympathetic Networking
Todd Montgomery discusses messaging: application level batching, UDP datagram size’s impact on performance, sendmmsg/recvmmsg, implementing asynchronous calls.
High Performance Messaging for Web-Based Trading Systems
Frank Greco investigates WebSocket and how trading systems can be designed to leverage it for reliability, security and performance for desktop, mobile, datacenter and cloud environments.
Addressing Messaging Challenges Using Open Technologies
Tom McCuch and Oleg Zhurakousky explain and demo providing messaging for distributed systems with Spring AMQP, Spring Integration and RabbitMQ.
Concurrent Programming Using The Disruptor
Trisha Gee introduces the Disruptor - a parallel messaging framework -, explains how to use it in code, and shows how it was used to solve an application’s messaging needs.
Messaging over the Web with WebSocket & JMS
Robin Zimmermann lays out the broad architectural details of server applications with a web-based client exchanging messages over WebSockets and JMS.
View Server: Delivering Real-Time Analytics for Customer Service
Richard Tibbetts presents a three-tier architecture for real-time data staging analysis, storing the results and delivering them to clients as a service accessible through a variety of interfaces.
The Evolution of Integration
Paul Fremantle discusses the evolution of EAI, comparing the latest approaches, suggesting using Async Messaging, EDA, APIs, and doing high volumes, and underlining that evolution is not monotonic.
Extreme FIX Messaging for Low-Latency
Kevin Houstoun and Rupert Smith discuss the creation of Java and .NET libraries for a FIX Protocol implementation without generating garbage in order to avoid the latency spikes associated with GC.