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Interview and Book Excerpt: Dan Haywood's Domain-Driven Design Using Naked Objects
Domain-Driven Design Using Naked Objects book, by author Dan Haywood, covers the Domain-Driven Design topic using the open-source Java framework Naked Objects framework (which is now part of the Apache Isis incubator project). InfoQ spoke with Dan about the book, Naked Objects framework and its recent submission to be an Apache project.
Hades - JPA Repositories Done Right
Almost every application has to access data to do its work. In a domain driven design approach one defines repositories for the entities that make up the domain. Java developers often use JPA to implement these repositories. Hades is an open source library that's built on top of JPA and Spring to significantly improve the implementation of data access layers by reducing the effort required.
Extension Manager in Visual Studio 2010
In this article Yiyi Sun, creator of the Git Source Control Provider for Visual Studio, introduces developers to creating extensions for Visual Studio 2010. Also included is information on publishing an extension via Microsoft’s Visual Studio Gallery.
A Discussion with Allard Buijze on CQRS with the Axon framework
The Axon framework is a Java implementation of the Command and Query Responsibility Segregation. InfoQ talked with its creator, Allard Buijze, to find out more.
SOA Manifesto - 4 Months After
It is four months since the SOA manifesto was announced; InfoQ interviewed the original author’s and in some cases pulled in their comments on the manifesto from the web to get a broad understanding of the manifesto, as well as provide insight into the goals of the participants, individually and as a whole, and provide transparency to the mechanics involved in putting together such an initiative.
Strategic Domain Driven Design with Context Mapping
Many approaches to object oriented modeling tend not to scale well when the applications grow in size and complexity. Context Mapping technique can be used to manage the complexity in large software development projects. In this article, author Alberto Brandolini discusses the many sides of bounded contexts and how to use them to build a context map to support key decisions in a software project.
Book Excerpt and Interview: Dependency Injection
Dependency Injection by Dhanji R. Prasanna is a book that tries to explore the DI idiom in detail, and present techniques in Spring and Guice. Dhanji is a Google software engineer who works on Google Wave and also contributes to Guice, MVEL, and other open source projects.
Layered Architecture for Test Automation
In test automation, code involved in testing is not only test logic, but also a bunch of other supporting code, like URL concatenation, XML parsing, UI, etc. Test logic can be buried in this unrelated code, which has nothing to do with test logic itself, making test code hard to read and maintain. In this article, the layered architecture of test automation is presented to solve this problem.
Virtual Panel on Software Architecture Documentation
Software architecture documentation is an important part of the enterprise application development process. In this virtual panel discussion, InfoQ spoke with panelists Len Bass, Grady Booch, Paulo Merson and Eoin Woods about documenting the software architectures especially in Agile software development environments.
Project Metrics for Software Development
Software project success has always been the goal of the industry; however the metrics that helps us measure the success have been as diverse as they could be. Depending on the particular methodology that you follow the set of suggested metrics will not have anything in common. Carlos provides a set of metrics that he and his teams were able to use independent of software methodology.
Metamodel Oriented Programming
In this article, Jean-Jacques Dubray questions the belief that code and models are two separate worlds. He presents a unified view of Model Driven Engineering, Architecture and Programming models. In particular, he introduces a novel approach to specify execution element semantics in DSLs.
Fetching strategy implementation in a J2EE application using AOP
This article presents a fetching strategy that using AOP, optimizes the data retrieval process from a back end system on a use case basis in a modular way without bloating the lower level service or repository layers.