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  • What Would Alan Cooper Do?

    The User Interface plays an important role when using an application, be it a desktop application, a web or a mobile one. The book About Face, written by Alan Cooper, a thought leader in user interface design, provides interesting and useful guidance on creating a UI for an application. This article contains some of the book’s most notable ideas.

  • Model Driven Development Misperceptions and Challenges

    MDD provides many benefits by improving communication, business-alignment, quality, and productivity. The authors argue that as the tooling support has vastly matured in the past few years, it might be a good time to take a fresh look it. The article reviews 10 common misconceptions.

  • Making TDD Stick: Problems and Solutions for Adopters

    Mark Levison observed that, after solid classroom training, teams in larger companies still struggle to adopt TDD. To better understand the problem he surveyed team members. In this article he shares the problems he uncovered and his own comprehensive strategy, designed to help anyone introducing TDD into an organization.

  • Workflow Orchestration Using Spring AOP and AspectJ

    This article demonstrates how to build and orchestrate highly configurable and extensible yet light-weight embedded process flow using Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) techniques. The current examples are based on Spring AOP and Aspect J, however other AOP techniques could be used to accomplish the same results.

  • Composite Oriented Programming with Qi4j

    The goal of modeling domain concepts through objects set by OOP has for a long time been handled in insufficient ways. In this article we introduce the concept of Composite Oriented Programming, and show how it avoids the issues with OOP and reignites the hope of being able to compose domain models with reusable pieces.

  • A Case For Short Iterations

    Dave Nicolette, Agile Coach with Valtech, addresses the question are short iterations better than long. Dave demonstrates that short iterations: allow for more rapid response to change, the opportunity to discover and fix problems more often. He also deals with the concerns that short iterations might lead to burnout and other issues.

  • No Silver Bullet Reloaded Retrospective OOPSLA Panel Summary

    At OOPSLA 2007, a retrospective discussion panel on Fred Brooks' article, No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering, was held including Fred Brooks himself, Martin Fowler, Ricardo Lopez, Aki Namioka, Linda Northrop, Dave Parnas, Dave Thomas, and Steven Fraser as panel impresario.

  • An Introduction to Lean Thinking for Software

    For Agile developers only familiar with Scrum or XP, it may be unclear how Lean relates to what they do. This article introduces Lean Thinking and how it enhances software development. Ning Lu of ThoughtWorks China identified the biggest obstacle to Lean or Agile as the mind-set developed during the period of large-scale manufacturing.

  • Domain Driven Design and Development In Practice

    In this article, Srini Penchikala discusses Domain Driven Design and Development from a practical stand-point. The article looks at architectural and design guidelines and best practices that can be used in a DDD project. It also talks about the impact of various design concerns like Persistence, Caching, Transaction Management, Security, Code Generation etc in domain model implementation effort.

  • Improvement, Success and Failure: Scrum Adoption in China

    This recent inquiry, by InfoQ China editor Jacky Li, picked 5 very different cases of Scrum adoption in China, which got different results, and asked: Why did you use Scrum? How did you adopt it? What problems did you encounter, and why did it succeed or fail? Despite the small sample size, it's an interesting comparison, pointing out that improvement doesn't ensure success.

  • The Three M's - The Lean Triad

    The discussion of applying lean principles to software development has largely focused on identifying and eliminating waste (in Japanese: muda). Lean Thinking equally aims to remove overburden (muri) and unnecessary variation (mura). Roman Pichler discusses the relationship of the "three M's" and proposes to eliminate overburden as the first step toward a leaner process.

  • Kanban Applied to Software Development: from Agile to Lean

    In this InfoQ article Kenji Hiranabe applies lessons learned while working with Japanese manufacturers. While many Agile teams are optimizing only a portion of the value stream, Hiranabe proposes a simple way to adapt lessons from Lean Manufacturing's "Kanban" visual tracking system to make process visible to more of the organization, for better communication and process improvement.