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Eric Evans on why DDD Matters Today
In this excerpt from InfoQ's Domain-Driven Design Quickly, Eric Evans (author of the original book on DDD) explains why DDD matters today, how it fits into today's software development platforms, and what's been going on with DDD in the last few years.
Making AspectJ development easier with AJDT
Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) can be used to solve a number of today's application requirements but can also be intimidating for developers when getting started. A new article by Matt Chapman, AJDT Project Lead, shows how AOP development with the popular AspectJ library can be made easier using the Eclipse AspectJ Development Tools (AJDT) plugin.
Book Excerpt: Agile Software Development, 2nd ed.
In this updated classic on Agile software development, Alistair Cockburn adds reflections from five more years of practice and research. InfoQ brings you Chapter 1, in which he compares software development with another team-cooperative game - rock climbing - and two common comparison partners, engineering and model building, in order to explore alternate ways of thinking about the work we do.
Do Agile Practices Make it an Agile Project?
Use of Agile methodologies is growing, but this comes with its own challenges: including the possibility of dilution as teams copy practices rather than growing them, implementing them without understanding. Perhaps it's time to talk about how failure to teach the basics puts much at risk: the integrity and engagement of team members, and the trust of their customers.
Standish: Why were Project Failures Up and Cost Overruns Down in 1998?
Following InfoQ's August interview with Jim Johnson, creator of the CHAOS Chronicles on project failure, one important question remained: how does the Standish Group explain the amazing change in cost overrun from 189% in 1994 to 69% in 1998? In an excerpt from this month's CHAOS University newsletter, Johnson refers to events in 1996 that changed the complexion of project planning and execution.
Painless AOP with Groovy
Groovy's Metaobject-Protocol provides a single point of contact for modifying the core behaviour of the Objects we create. John McClean shows how to use Groovy's MOP to perform AOP interception without proxyies or bytecode manipulation, and shows how the same is possible in Ruby and other dynamic languages.
Book Excerpt: Implementing Lean Software Development: From Concept to Cash
In 2003 Mary and Tom Poppendieck adapted the revolutionary principles of Lean manufacturing for software development. Their new book offers a blend of history, theory, and practice, drawing on their experience optimizing the software "value stream". They present the right questions to ask, the key issues to focus on, and techniques proven to work for those implementing a lean software process.
Agile Alliance Survey: Are We There Yet?
Diana Larsen, a member of the Agile Alliance Board of Directors, leads a lot of retrospectives... So, it's not surprising that, when she asked herself "Where is Agile going now?" her response was to run a retrospective of her own. She circulated a survey to the other Agile Alliance board members, and has compiled a picture of the trends they're seeing in the Agile world.
Interview: Jim Johnson of the Standish Group
Jim Johnson, founder and chairman of the Standish Group, took time out from his vacation to talk with InfoQ editor Deborah Hartmann about his research, and the role of Agile in changing the IT industry. Johnson is best known for creating the CHAOS Chronicles: 12 years of independent research on project performance, including data on over 50,000 completed IT projects.
Simplifying Enterprise Applications with Spring 2.0 and AspectJ
This article reviews Spring AOP support in 2.0, and walks you through an adoption roadmap for AOP in enterprise applications, with plenty of examples of features that can be implemented simply using AOP, but would be very hard to do any other way.
Application Failover using AOP
This article shows how a large project with 6000 classes and 500 tables used AOP with AspectJ to implement specialized cross-cutting error handling & recovery logic transparently.
SOA anti-patterns
SOA Expert Steve Jones from CapGemini provides a hands on look at SOA Antipatterns and a list of ways your SOA project can go wrong. This list includes signs that these problems are cropping up as well as what to do when you see them happening.