InfoQ Homepage Methodologies Content on InfoQ
From Quadcopters to Helicopters: Formal Verification for Safer Vehicles
Kathleen Fisher explores the promises and limitations of current formal methods and techniques for producing useful software that probably does not contain exploitable bugs.
DevSecOps: Security at the Speed of DevOps
Larry Maccherone introduces the DevSecOps manifesto and provides a process model to accomplish the necessary mindset shift and achieve effective DevSecOps culture transformation.
Reactive DDD—When Concurrent Waxes Fluent
Vaughn Vernon gives practical guidance on using DDD to model business-driven solutions that result in software that is fluent, type-safe, and with core Reactive properties.
The Optics of Kanban: Lens and Filters
Andy Carmichael discusses making better decisions by using Kanban Lens and filters.
The Service-Delivery Review: The Missing Agile Feedback Loop
Matt Philip introduces the service-delivery review as a forum for feedback, its benefits, how to conduct one and typical fitness metrics.
Deconstructing Monoliths with Domain-driven Design
This talk explains how Liberty Mutual changed a monolithic app into an event-driven microservices based architecture implemented with Event Sourcing and CQRS.
The Distributed Pit of Success @Deliveroo
Greg Beech discusses how Deliveroo is using DDD principles and powerful building blocks to allow engineers of any level to quickly and successfully deploy new systems into production.
Beyond Budgeting – Business Agility the C-level Understand (and Are Starting to Like)
Bjarte Bogsnes shares the Beyond Budgeting principles and implementation advice, plus Statoil’s experience implementing this methodology.
Build to Learn: Rapid Prototyping Methods
Sara Bayless da Costa discusses several prototyping methods helping to learn about product, gather quality feedback, and get the best version of a product out there as quickly as possible.
The Improviser's Code: Engineering Your Best Self
Ted DesMaisons and Lisa Rowland talk about the tools and mindset of improvisation so one can rewire his own circuitry and open up new capabilities in the way he interacts with work, the world etc.
The Seven Righteous Fights
Heidi Waterhouse discusses seven issues to tackle during project development: Localization, Security, Extensibility, Documentation, Affordance, Acceptance, Accessibility.
DDD & REST - Domain Driven APIs for the Web
Oliver Gierke explores some commonalities of Domain Driven Design and REST, and how to create REST APIs that are driven by the domain.