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InfoQ Homepage Microservices Content on InfoQ

  • Practical Guide to Building an API Back End with Spring Boot

    Starting your first project with Spring Boot can be a bit 
daunting given the vast options that it provides. This book 
will guide you step by step along the way to be a Spring Boot 
hero in no time.

  • Service Meshes: Managing Complex Communication within Cloud Native Applications

    This InfoQ eMag aims to help you decide if your organisation would benefit from using a service mesh, and if so, that it also guides you on your service-mesh journey.

  • The InfoQ eMag: Microservices - Patterns and Practices

    While the underlying technology and patterns are certainly interesting, microservices have always been about helping development teams be more productive. Experts who spoke about microservices at QCon SF 2017 did not simply talk about the technical details of microservices, but included a focus on the business side and more human-oriented aspects of developing distributed software systems.

  • The InfoQ eMag: Observability

    This eMag explores the topic of observability in-depth, covering the role of the “three pillars of observability” -- monitoring, logging, and distributed tracing -- and relates these topics to designing and operating software systems based around modern architectural styles like microservices and serverless.

  • The InfoQ eMag: Microservices vs. Monoliths - The Reality Beyond the Hype

    This eMag includes articles written by experts who have implemented successful, maintainable systems across both microservices and monoliths.

  • The Morning Paper Issue 5 - Computer Science Applied

    Welcome to the latest edition of The Morning Paper quarterly review. There are five posts chosen for you that appeared on Adrian Colyer's blog in the first quarter of 2017.

  • The JHipster Mini-book

    The JHipster Mini-book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: AngularJS, Bootstrap and Spring Boot. This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.

  • InfoQ eMag: Cloud Migration

    In this eMag, you’ll find practical advice from leading practitioners in cloud. Discover new ideas and considerations for planning out workload migrations.

  • InfoQ eMag: Architectures You Always Wondered About

    In this eMag we take a look at the state of the art for the microservice architectural style in both theory and practice. Amongst others Martin Fowler talks about Microservice trade-offs, Eric Evans explores the interplay of Domain-Driven Design, microservices, event-sourcing, and CQRS, Randy Shoup talks about Lessons from Google and eBay, and Yoni Goldberg describes Gilt’s experience.

  • InfoQ eMag: Advanced DevOps Toolchain

    In this eMag we provide both implementation examples and comparisons of different possible approaches on a range of topics from immutable infrastructure to self-service ops platforms and service discovery. In addition, we talk about the Docker ecosystem and the different aspects to consider when moving to this increasingly popular system for shipping and running applications.

  • InfoQ eMag: QCon London 2015 Report

    This eMag provides a round-up of what we and some of our attendees felt were the most important sessions from QCon London 2015 including Microservices, Containers, Conway’s Law, and properly implementing agile practises.

  • InfoQ eMag: Microservices

    Within this eMag, we have chosen articles which highlight the pros and cons of Microservices, we offer insights from industry leaders, and hopefully we spark a few ideas for our readers so that they may leverage Microservices within their own domain.