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Lessons Learned Migrating Complex Software
Jack Franklin shares his experience migrating an application from Angular to React, presenting code examples and also the negative points of this migration.
Java 9: Tips on Migration and Upgradability
Bernard Traversat talks about the new Java 9 features, and migration strategies to migrate existing code to Java 9. He provides a number of useful tips to ease code migration to Java 9.
DigitalOcean: Microservices in Your Datacenter
Phil Calçado talks about the patterns and techniques DigitalOcean has used over the years to migrate from a monolithic architecture to SOA and microservices.
Migrating the Monolith
Rohit Kelapure discusses tools and prescriptive quantitative techniques for creating an application suitability funnel and comprehensive criteria for migrating applications to a PaaS.
Netflix’s Viewing Data Microservices: How we Know Where you are in House of Cards
Matt Zimmer discusses architectural patterns -service decomposition, stateless application tiers, and polyglot persistence- and migration strategies used by Netflix.
Migrating to Spring 4 from Spring 3 - What You Need to Know
Phillip Verheyden covers what it takes to migrate a Spring 3.x application to Spring 4.
Migrating to Cloud Native with Microservices
Adrian Cockcroft discusses strategies, patterns and pathways to perform a gradual migration towards modern enterprise applications based on cloud, microservices and denormalized NoSQL databases.
Migrating to Microservices
Adrian Cockcroft discusses strategies, patterns and pathways to perform a gradual migration from monolithic applications towards cloud-based REST microservices.
Just Do It: Migrating to Grails
Emiliano Conde shares the process, tools, and lessons learned migrating from Struts/EJB to Grails/Spring.
Moving Apps and Data to the Cloud: Migration Options
Anne Thomas Manes discusses the options available and challenges involved in moving applications to the cloud.
How We (Mostly) Moved from Java to Scala
Graham Tackley discusses how The Guardian switched all new development from Java to Scala, why they did that, what were the benefits and the problems, and why they did not choose Python+Django.
REST-based Integration Architecture for a Financial Business Service
Phillip Ghadir presents an application initially built using SOAP, WSDL, WS-*, and was later migrated to REST, Atom, and AtomPub, explaining the decisions made, the pitfalls and the lessons learned.