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  • Towards an Agile Software Architecture

    Boyan Mihaylov covers his experience when working with both traditional waterfall software architectures and agile ones. He depicts the similarities and differences between these with a focus on three areas: the specifics of the software architect role, the timespan of the software architecture, and the output of the software architecture.

  • Q&A on “The Coaching Booster”

    An interview with Shirly Ronen-Harel and Jens R. Woinowski, authors of "The Coaching Booster", about why they based their book on lean and agile methods, why change needs to become an ingrained habit, how you can establish a rhythm of action, the value that a coachee can get from coaching, combining retrospectives with agile coaching, and what people can do to develop their coaching skills.

  • Emotion and Cognition

    Agile values "individuals and interactions over processes and tools." Understanding individuals and how they interact requires insight into how and why people make decisions. The mind works more like a network than a computer. Emotion influences cognition-often from the driver’s seat. This is why emotional intelligence (EQ) is so crucial to Agile development.