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InfoQ eMag: Application Lifecycle Management

Download the Application Lifecycle Management eMag to learn about strategies for automating your build and deployment processes, implementing a continuous integration system, and how to continuously test your mobile applications.  Results from the latest InfoQ Research question also show you what ALM tools organizations are adopting today.  

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Contents of the Application Lifecycle Management eMag include:

  • Automated Builds: The Key to Consistency Joe Enos will show you some of the benefits of automating your build and deployment processes .
  • Automated Builds: How to Get Started In this article, we will take a common example of a corporate web application for a fictional financial institution, and walk through fully automating their build process.
  • Continuous Integration with MSBuild and Jenkins – Part 1 In this first of a two-part series, Mustafa Saeed Haji Ali looks at implementing a continuous integration system using MSBuild.
  • Continuous Integration with MSBuild and Jenkins – Part 2 In part 2 we apply that knowledge to a specific continuous integration server, namely Jenkins.
  • Continuous Mobile Application Testing Given the onslaught of mobile devices and apps into the SDLC, fingers and eyeballs seem to be the only way apps can be tested right now. Dan Bartow of SOASTA hopes to offer something better.
  • Research Item - Top Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Toolsets This research item aims to help you determine the ability to execute and completeness of vision of each of these competing toolsets.

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