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InfoQ eMag: Cloud Migration

How do you assess your application portfolio and identify the candidates for cloud? What apps should you avoid migrating? How can you decide on the right cloud environment for a given app? Is it better to move apps incrementally or via a "big bang" exercise? What pitfalls should you look out for?

InfoQ decided to investigate this topic further and share our findings.

In this eMag, you’ll find practical advice from leading practitioners in cloud. Discover new ideas and considerations for planning out workload migrations.


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Cloud Migration eMag include:

  • The Cloud-Migration Checklist - Are you in the process of moving applications to a public cloud? You’re not alone. 451 Research says that 46% of 2015 IT budgets are going towards off-premises systems, with that number expected to climb to over 50% within the next three years. In this article, we’ll explore four stages in a cloud migration lifecycle and the questions to answer before exiting each one.
  • Anatomy of a Cloud Migration Program: Q&A with Tim Beerman - Many cloud providers offer services to onboard new customers into the cloud. What advice can they give us on how to prepare for a migration, what pitfalls to avoid, and what types of apps are the best fit for the cloud? To learn more, InfoQ reached out to Tim Beerman, the VP of Product Strategy and Development at CenturyLink.
  • Transitioning to Cloud-Native Applications and Beyond - Enterprises have continued to accelerate their adoption of cloud infrastructures. As this shift continues, it is important to understand what this means to applications that run in cloud environments.
  • Why You Should Definitely Migrate Existing Apps to the Cloud - In this article we’ll explore various benefits of migrating your existing apps to the cloud in detail so that you can make an informed decision.


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