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InfoQ eMag: Exploring Container Technology in the Real World

The open source release of Docker in March 2013 triggered a major shift in the way in which the software development industry is aspiring to package, deploy and run modern applications.

The creation of many competing, complementary and supporting container technologies has followed in the wake of Docker, and this has led to much hype and some disillusion, around this space.

This eMag aims to cut through some of this confusion and explain the essence of containers, their current use cases, and future potential.

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Exploring Container Technology in the Real World eMag include:

  • The Challenge of Monitoring Containers at Scale - The adoption of containers, and the associated desire to build microservices, is causing a paradigm shift within the monitoring space. Application functionality is becoming more granular and more independently scalable and resilient, which is a challenge for traditional monitoring solutions. InfoQ recently sat down with a series of container monitoring experts and explored these challenges.
  • "Using Docker" Book Review and Q&A with Author Adrian Mouat - InfoQ recently sat down with Adrian Mouat, author of “Using Docker”, and explored the motivations for writing the book, his thoughts on the reasons why Docker has captured the IT industry’s attention such as short time span, and how containers can be best utilised within a typical software development lifecycle.
  • Lessons Learned from Scheduling One Million Containers with HashiCorp Nomad - HashiCorp's Million Container Challenge is a test for how efficiently its scheduler, Nomad, can schedule one million containers across 5,000 hosts. The goal of the challenge is to observe and optimize the behavior of Nomad at exceptional scale. Ultimately Nomad was able to schedule one million containers across 5,000 hosts in under five minutes. This post outlines the lessons learned.
  • Continuous Deployment with Containers - Many of us have already experimented with Docker - for example, running one of the pre-built images from Docker Hub. However, a comprehensive build pipeline is required before deploying any containers into a production environment. This article outlines the steps you need to take for a fully automated continuous-deployment pipeline that builds microservices deployed via Docker containers.
  • Build Your Own Container Using Less than 100 Lines of Go - Shipping containers and software containers share a lot in common, but the analogy has limits. This article explores this relationship further by demonstrating how it is possible to build a simple container using less than 100 lines of Golang code. Topics covered include namespaces, cgroups and layered filesystems.
  • Controlling Hybrid Cloud Complexity with Containers - CoreOS, rkt, and Image Standards - Public IaaS or PaaS offerings may not satisfy the regulatory, security, or performance demands of every workload. This article explores how CoreOS have studied the emerging state-of-the-art application design and deployment patterns, and created and integrated a number of open source projects in pursuit of a modular platform that satisfies the needs of modern container cluster infrastructure.

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