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InfoQ Homepage Guides The InfoQ eMag: Faster, Smarter DevOps

The InfoQ eMag: Faster, Smarter DevOps

This DevOps eMag has a broader setting than previous editions. You might, rightfully, ask “what does faster, smarter DevOps mean?”. Put simply, any and all approaches to DevOps adoption that uncover important mechanisms or thought processes that might otherwise get submerged by the more straightforward (but equally important) automation and tooling aspects.

From blending Agile and DevOps to escaping cognitive biases, planning for transition and bringing COTS into DevOps, this eMag is a potpourri of insightful practitioner-led advice.

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Smarter, Faster DevOps eMag includes:

  • Faster, Smarter DevOps - Moving your release cadence from months to weeks is not just about learning Agile practices and getting some automation tools. It involves people, tooling and a transition plan.
  • The Things I Learnt About DevOps When My Caar Was Engulfed by Flames - Framed in the story of the author's car catching fire, this article describes five ways of thinking to help understand DevOps culture, and behaviours necessary to create an effective DevOps team.
  • How to Deal with COTS Products in a DevOps World - The most popular agile framework, Scrum, predates the growth of DevOps, and some re-thinking is required to make the system work in a DevOps environment.
  • Merging Agile and DevOps - Mirco Hering explains why we shouldn't leave COTS products (and the people working on them) left behind in a DevOps world. With creative solutions we can apply good practices from custom software.
  • Designing Delivery Book Review and Interview - Book review and interview with Jeff Sussna, author of "Designing Delivery", on cybernetics, service exchange, customer-centric brands and a new definition of quality in a service-oriented world.

InfoQ eMags are professionally designed, downloadable collections of popular InfoQ content - articles, interviews, presentations, and research - covering the latest software development technologies, trends, and topics.