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InfoQ eMag: iOS9 for Developers

While changes and new features can be exciting for developers, they also require quite an effort in order to catch up with them. And while not all developers will be interested in learning about all that is new in each of the components of the SDK or development tools, it is still helpful to get an understanding of what iOS 9 brings about overall.

This is where this eMag falls into the picture, by providing a concise review of all that is essential for developers to know for building apps for the latest release of Apple’s mobile OS. This eMag is essentially based on the video sessions from WWDC that Apple made available to developers and tries to enrich them with links to reference material that has become meanwhile available online.

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iOS9 for Developers eMag include:

  • What's New in iOS 9: New SDK Frameworks - At WWDC 2015, Apple introduced iOS 9. Although the new SDK does not introduce as many new or enhanced features as iOS 8, which included more than 4,000 new APIs, it does still provide a wealth of new functionality and enhancements. In this article, the first in a series focusing on iOS 9, we are going to review a number of new frameworks that Apple has included with its new mobile OS.
  • What's New in iOS 9: Enhancements to Existing Frameworks - iOS 9 SDK includes many enhancements to existing frameworks, including WKWebView, UIKit, Core Data, and several others. This article will provide an essential roadmap into new features and provide links to the updated documentation.
  • Safari Content Blockers Under the Hood - With iOS 9, Apple introduced a content blocker mechanism into Safari, which will also be part of OSX El Capitan. InfoQ goes under the hood to find out how they work, and how Apple's privacy goals has resulted in certain choices in the way that the content blocker is implemented, and some ways in which a Swift content blocker can be written.
  • What's new in iOS 9: Swift and Objective-C - In this article, we are going to examine new features added to iOS and OS X El Capitan main programming languages: the recently open sourced Swift, which extends pattern matching syntax, adds feature availability and protocol extension, and overhauls error handing; Objective-C, with new interoperability features as generic collections.
  • What’s New in iOS 9: Xcode 7 and Other Developer Tools - In this article, we will describe what is new within Apple Developer Tools, including Xcode Playgrounds, LLDB, UI testing, Interface Builder, etc.
  • Understanding Bitcode for iOS Applications - When Apple released Xcode 7, they also enabled applications to be distributed to the AppStore through bitcode, instead of per-processor target files. InfoQ looks under the covers at what Bitcode is, what advantages it may offer, and why developers should consider enabling bitcode projects for their iOS targets.

InfoQ eMags are professionally designed, downloadable collections of popular InfoQ content - articles, interviews, presentations, and research - covering the latest software development technologies, trends, and topics.