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InfoQ eMag: Java 9 and Beyond

If there were ever any question that Java was the de facto standard for server side enterprise development, Java 8 has certainly quelled that one. The world now anxiously awaits Java 9 and the innovations it promises. Oracle has slated Java 9 for a March 2017 release.

In this eMag, we take a look at what’s on the scheduled horizon for Java 9 and beyond.

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Java 9 and Beyond eMag include:

  • Programming with modularity and Project Jigsaw. A Tutorial Using the Latest Release Candidate – Project Jigsaw is the hallmark feature of Java 9, the next major version release of Java, and is destined to bring modular programming into the Java mainstream. After years of negotiating and myriad JSRs and JEPs, Jigsaw is starting to take its final form. This tutorial considers all aspects of programming and migration to Project Jigsaw.
  • Java 9's New HTTP/2 and REPL - Java 9 will not just be about modularity; it is targeting a large number of additional pieces of functionality. In this article Ben Evans dives into HTTP/2 support and the JShell REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) that brings shell-based interactive Java development, two new JEPs that may well have the biggest impact on developers' working lives during the lifetime of Java 9.
  • Case for Defaulting to G1 Garbage Collector in Java 9 – In this article, GC expert Monica Beckwith makes the case for JEP 248, the proposal to make G1 the default garbage collector in OpenJDK 9.
  • A Post-Apocalyptic sun.misc.Unsafe World – The removal of sun.misc.Unsafe and other private APIs in Java 9 has in recent weeks divided the Java community perhaps as never before in its 20 year history. Even though a resolution has now been proposed and a migration path presented, the big question remains: What will a post sun.misc.Unsafe world look like?
  • The OpenJDK Revised Java Memory Model – The existing Java Memory Model covers a lot in terms of Java language semantic guarantees. In this article we will delve into a few of those semantics, and attempt to communicate the motivation for an update to the existing Java Memory Model

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