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InfoQ eMag: QCon London 2015 Report

Now in its ninth consecutive year, QCon London 2015 featured thought-provoking and engaging keynotes from "Eloquent Ruby” author Russ Olsen, Cobalt Advisors managing partner Enyo Kumahor, Principal Software Engineer, Google Infrastructure John Wilkes, and Netflix Insight Engineering Manager Roy Rapoport.

This was the largest London QCon yet with 1,200 team leads, architects, and project managers attending 120 technical sessions across 19 concurrent tracks and 13 in-depth tutorials. Attendees had near instant access to video from nearly all of the sessions.

Major themes from the event included microservices, containers, Conway’s Law, properly implementing agile practises, and, for some strange and inexplicable reason cat pictures.

We also had 20 members of the InfoQ editorial team at the event. We filmed 26 interviews with speakers and will be publishing these, along with videos from the majority of technical sessions, over the coming months. The InfoQ team also published a large number of related news items while QCon was running.

This eMag provides a round-up of what we and some of our attendees felt were the most important sessions from QCon London 2015 including Microservices, Containers, Conway’s Law, and properly implementing agile practises.

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