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The InfoQ eMag: Kubernetes and Cloud Architectures

Does it feel to you like the modern application stack is constantly shifting with new technologies and practices emerging at a blistering pace? It does to me. Every week I seem to come across a new web framework, open-sourcedata integration framework, or architectural anti-pattern that used to be a best practice. But then I stop, take a breath, and see some underlying stability.

The fundamentals for the next decade are in place. The public cloud is here to stay. You'll continue to use private infrastructure while counting on software-as-a-service and cloud-based managed services more and more. Kubernetes is mainstream. It's not for everyone, but it will be everywhere. As will higher-level application platforms that keep the focus on the software itself. It's still early days on service mesh technologies, but the indicators are there that this will also be part of the common substrate that our apps depend on. 

It also appears that many good practices are cemented in software teams around the world. There's little disagreement that the core ideas behind DevOps—continuously delivering small batches of customer-driven value—are important. And the field of software testing has broadened as teams go beyond unit testing to also look at resilience testing. Microservices can be a good or bad thing depending on how you apply them, but most people agree that distributed systems are generally better for scale, resilience, and release velocity. We're also settling into good security practices, ranging from zero-trust to secure software supply chains.

We've hand-picked a set of articles that highlight where we're at today. With a focus on cloud-native architectures and Kubernetes, these contributors paint a picture of what's here now, and what's on the horizon.

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The InfoQ eMag - Kubernetes and Cloud Architectures include:

  • Kubernetes Is Not Your Platform, It's Just the Foundation - Manuel Pais discusses how many organizations see Kubernetes as "the" platform, rather than just a technical foundation for a true internal platform. Successful Kubernetes adoption requires thinking about the platform as a product and establishing product-like team structures and interactions to reduce cognitive load on development and other stream teams. Metrics can help guide the journey.
  • The Evolution of Distributed Systems on Kubernetes - At QCon in March, Bilgin Ibryam, product manager at Red Hat, gave a talk on the evolution of distributed systems with Kubernetes.  You might have an answer to that, and Ibryam has one too. At the end of the article, you will find out what he thinks the answer will be.
  • Cloud Native is About Culture, not Containers - At QCon London last year,  Holly Cummins, innovation leader in IBM Corporate Strategy, provided a session titled: Cloud-Native is about Culture, not Containers. In this article, Cummins will discuss the role of culture in cloud-native architecture. Furthermore,  she will dive into various topics around cloud-native ranging from its definition to CI/CD and operations.
  • Containers Are Contagious and Often Misused - Let’s get something straight right right from the start— this article is not to argue that containers are bad; containers are certainly one of many great options developers have in their hands today. This article is also not scoped at the pros/cons of containers; my intent is just to present the developers and dev leads with some considerations around containers.

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