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The InfoQ eMag: Mastering Remote Meetings

Working remotely is becoming routine—more than two-thirds of knowledge workers around the world work away from the office at least once a week. But, in many organisations, more remote work has led to disconnection, isolation, and an erosion of cultures that supported creative collaboration and disruptive innovation.

Remote meetings are the most important way for teams to stay connected. They can be far more useful than text-based, asynchronous systems when it comes to challenging conversations such as troubleshooting, giving difficult feedback, or working together to develop great ideas. 

But, while remote meeting technology is steadily improving, outdated remote meeting practices aren’t keeping pace with changes in the way teams work. For example, rigid agendas and command-style chairmanship, near-obsolete when it comes to in-person meetings, are still common online. 

It doesn’t have to be like that, and it’s time to make a change!

Our goal in this eMag is to help you do things better. We’ll show how people all over the world are successfully facilitating complex conversations, remotely. We’ll also share practical steps you can take right now, to upgrade the remote conversations that fill your working days.

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The InfoQ eMag - Mastering Remote Meetings includes:

  • Mastering Remote Meetings: How To Get - and Keep - Your Participants Engaged - Increasingly, software development is seen as a creative, collaborative undertaking. If poor remote meetings are impeding collaboration, how much damage could that be doing?
  • Great Global Meetings: Navigating Cultural Differences - Navigating cross-cultural differences can be hard enough when team members are face-to-face, but when most communications are through some kind of technology—email, phone, IM, video, or online conferencing—it becomes infinitely more complex.
  • Can Your Meeting Kit Cut It? - Alongside the rise of technology, the past century has seen amazing advances in our understanding of how we can best work together in groups.  High-performing organizations worldwide have developed systems that build on these advances. It’s time to get rid of the old conference room designs and focus on infrastructure and facilitation that create presence for all participants — in the flesh and remote.
  • Remote Meetings Reflect Distributed Team Culture - Are you having problems connecting with people in your distributed meetings? Do you feel like you and your remote colleagues don’t meet goals in your meetings? The problem may not be with the meetings. It might be the culture in which you run your meetings.
  • Strengthen Distributed Teams with Social Conversations - Yes, online meetings should result in outcomes; they should follow agendas or meeting plans and should be run efficiently. But, there is an aspect of remote team meetings that often gets overlooked—the opportunity to strengthen relationships with our team members.
  • Mastering Remote Meetings: Panel Discussion - Authors and InfoQ’s Chief Editor linked up with a group of readers live online, for a “remote meeting about remote meetings” to answer key questions.

InfoQ eMags are professionally designed, downloadable collections of popular InfoQ content - articles, interviews, presentations, and research - covering the latest software development technologies, trends, and topics.