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InfoQ Homepage News InfoQ Book: Scrum Checklists

InfoQ Book: Scrum Checklists

SPRiNT-iT and InfoQ have partnered to provide a new resource for Scrum teams: a downloadable quick-reference filled with basic definitions and checklists, intended to give trained teams confidence in accomplishing their first Sprints. SPRiNT-iT coaches, including Scrum Trainer Boris Gloger, have abstracted the basics from the major Scrum books and added their collective experience to produce the Scrum Checklists.  This compact collection of checks and actions will enable team members to facilitate all Scrum Meetings and create the Scrum artifacts.  Teams can use the blank space on the back of each checklist to document individual conventions and specific adaptations, as they implement improvements and make the process their own.

Download the Scrum Checklists (free pdf).   

The Checklists include:

  • Checklist: Impediment Backlog (an innovation springing up in teams on both sides of the Atlantic)
  • Checklist: General Meeting (basic etiquette for teams moving out of adhoc or chaos processes)
  • Checklist: Estimation Meeting (creating the Product Backlog)
  • Checklist: Sprint Planning Part 1
  • Checklist: Sprint Planning Part 2
  • Checklist: Daily Meeting
  • Checklist: Sprint Review
  • Checklist: Sprint Retrospective
  • Scrum Roles
  • Scrum Artifacts
The Checklists are also available for purchase (19,90 euro).  This hardcopy edition is printed on cover stock and spiral bound, creating a book that is attractive and easy to handle.  The Overview with coloured index matches the coloured tabs on the right, to give fast access to the different Checklist pages.  

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