In Stefan's talk, Stefan first introduces REST, which is supposed to be the architecture of the Web, highlighting the architectural differences to other communication paradigms.
Stefan argues that the Web services and the standards from the Web services space, collectively known as the WS-* specs, don't use the Web, but rather abuse it. After introducing some of the major problems with Web services, he points out how these are addressed when REST principles are followed. Also mentioned are advanced concepts such as asynchronous communication, reliable messaging, transactions and security, and how these are addressed in REST.
Other SOA-related talks on Parleys include Dennis Sosnoski on Web Services Architectures and Gregor Hohpe's Patterns in SOA. Recently they've also posted some great Java talks:
- Enterprise Development with JPA, by Mike Keith and Patrick Linskey
- Closures in Java, by Neal Gafter
- Domain Driven Design with AOP and DI, by Ramnivas Laddad