We’re moving past those times however. We’ve worked really hard to fully document the api. This is something we’ll be improving over time, but it’s a great start. Here are some of the features:Bloggers have noted that the new website is powered by Mephisto.Guessable URLs
The documentation site has guessable urls. For instance, if your looking for documentation on Element.show, then you can find that documentation at a url like : http://prototypejs.org/api/element/show, or if your looking for Form.Element.focus you can find it at: http://prototypejs.org/api/form/element/focus.
Atom feeds
Each Object has it’s own atom feed. This opens the doors for integrated documentation. For instance, if you want the XML file for Form.Element, you can find it at: http://prototypejs.org/feed/api/form/element/atom.xml. This feed will always contain the most up-to-date documentation for Form.Element.
Tips and Tutorials
We’ve also added an article section where you can find tips, tutorials, and a variety of articles for Prototype. We plan on adding many more articles to this area over time, so keep your eyes peeled.