Back around JavaOne 2006 Gartner coined the term SOA 2.0 as a new architectural approach, which was superior to "classic" SOA, and Oracle quickly took this and ran with it. There was a lot of backlash from the community, even resulting in the creation of an online petition. Whether or not as a result, SOA 2.0 hype seemed to die off and now Wikipedia has joined the debate:
Amid much negative reaction, Oracle is talking up SOA 2.0 as "the next-generation version of SOA" combining service-oriented architecture and Event Driven Architecture, and categorizing the first iteration of SOA as client-server driven[8] . Even though Oracle indicates that Gartner is coining a new term, Gartner analysts indicate that they call this advanced SOA and it is 'whimsically' referred to as SOA 2.0.[9] Most of the pure-play middleware vendors (e.g., webMethods and TIBCO) have had SOA 2.0 attributes for years. SOA 2.0 can therefore be regarded as marketing and evangelism rather than a new "way of doing things".
Is this the final nail in the coffin of SOA 2.0?