Lutz Roeder's Reflector for .NET 5 has been released. Reflector for .NET is one of the most popular development tools for .NET. Primarily used as a class browser and decompiler for analyzing .NET assemblies, Reflector's newest release has to offer some new compelling features including support for C# 3.0.
Scott Hanselman has written an extensive post about the new features and provides some tips & tricks for setting up Reflector.Reflector 5 is out, and it is good. Go get it immediately, or just run your current version and go Help | Check for Updates.The list of new features includes:
- Support for new language features of C# 3.0 and previously unsupported features of C# 2.0
- Custom protocol handler for supporting code URLs via IE or other browsers
- Analyzer for improved code navigation
- Windows Shell integration
- Support for Windows Vista
Clemens Vasters and Christian Weyer "agreed on [their] programming hero [some time ago]. The prize goes to: Lutz Roeder. We'd be nothing without Reflector".
What do you think?