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InfoQ Homepage News RubyCentral founder Chad Fowler Joins InfoEther

RubyCentral founder Chad Fowler Joins InfoEther

Chad Fowler, Founder of Ruby Central which organizes RailsConf and RubyConf announced that he has joined InfoEther, a six year old startup run by Rich Kilmer, author of FreeRIDE Ruby IDE, RubyGems package manager, as well as maintainer of   According to Chad: 
InfoEther is best known for doing seemingly impossible technological feats faster than most companies can write a J2EE bug tracker. They’ve led the way consistently in Ruby, Flash, and Semantic Web technologies since Rich and Mark founded the company several years ago.
Chad will be working on the personal semantic web platform: indi, which is a Ruby+Flash based app Rich Kilmer describes extensively in his upcoming InfoQ interview (coming soon.):
The goal of the software is to provide each individual a personal Web server that runs on their computer or a USB drive, which gives them complete privacy and control, and thereby will also create a type of distributed intelligence used to define the semantic wave of innovation that most experts see as the next evolution of the Web.