After achieving popularity last summer, Satish Talim at RubyLearning is doing it again with his free online course. It started as a way for him to pick up the language, and after the community picked up on it, over 100 people joined him. He hopes to do better this time.
The lessons are open to all and will cover the Ruby Core. The syllabus is already available online, so you can get started early by planning what you're going to cover. The course proper begins on Monday, 27th August and to take part, all you have to do is register at the forum.
Talim intends to give course direction every third or fourth day which is ambitious - but will help keep the energy up. He'll go through what to read and try out yourself, with problems outlined in the forums to have a go at. This course is ideal for those of you who want to complement your skill-set with Ruby, but haven't quite found the time to do so. Talim adds: "I have found that if one learns a programming language along with a group and with set targets every day; one learns faster."