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InfoQ Homepage News InfoQ Minibook: Composite Software Construction

InfoQ Minibook: Composite Software Construction

In his new book "Composite Software Construction", InfoQ SOA Editor and SOA Enterprise Architect Jean-Jacques Dubray describes the state of the art and emerging new approaches in building "Composite Software", solutions created by assembling existing services.

According to Jean-Jacques, Composite Software offers a new level of granularity when compared to SaaS (Software as a Service). Composite Software is about enabling "right-sourcing", i.e. move (or keep) arbitrary small or large elements of functionality wherever it is the most cost effective to operate them, not just entire systems.
Jean-Jacques starts with a look at today's software construction processes and technologies, and points out what he considers to be their flaws. After assessing current Web services standards and technologies and their usefulness for the composite software vision, he introduces WSPER, a new SOA framework to support composite software development.

The author also discusses how to design services for maximum re-use capability, and concludes with recommendations on how to set up a  "composite software factory".

Jean-Jacques Dubray's "Composite Software Construction" is available as an InfoQ Minibook, i.e. free of charge in PDF format for InfoQ users. A dead-tree version will be available starting December 4th for $24,95 US.

Find out more about the book (149 pages).