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InfoQ Homepage News Interview: CORBA Guru Steve Vinoski on REST, Web Services, and Erlang

Interview: CORBA Guru Steve Vinoski on REST, Web Services, and Erlang

In a new InfoQ interview, recorded at QCon San Francisco 2007, CORBA Guru Steve Vinoski talks to Stefan Tilkov about his opinion of REST (very high), occasions when he would still use CORBA (very seldomly) and the role of description languages for distributed systems (negligible). Other topics covered include the benefits of knowing many programming languages and the usefulness of of Erlang to build distributed systems.

Steve Vinoski is a member of technical staff at Verivue, a startup in Westford, MA, USA. He was previously chief architect and Fellow at IONA Technologies for a decade, and prior to that held various software and hardware engineering positions at Hewlett-Packard, Apollo Computer, and Texas Instruments. Over the past 15 years, Steve has authored or co-authored approximately 70 highly-regarded publications on distributed computing and enterprise integration for magazines such as IEEE Internet Computing, C/C++ Users Journal, and C++ Report, and co-authored the book "Advanced CORBA Programming with C++" with Michi Henning, published in 1999. Since early 2002 he has written a regular column entitled "Toward Integration" for IEEE Internet Computing, and serves as a member of its editorial board.

Watch the full interview (25 minutes) here.