The panelists included:
- Mike Keith: EJB co-spec lead, main architect of Oracle Toplink ORM
- Ted Neward: Independent consultant, often blogging on ORM and persistence topics
- Carl Rosenberger: lead architect of db4objects, open source embeddable object database
- Craig Russell: Spec lead of Java Data Objects (JDO) JSR, architect of entity bean engine in Sun's appservers prior to Glassfish
- Do we still have an "impedance mismatch problem"?
- In terms of what you're seeing used in the industry, how would you position the various options available for persistence for new projects?
- What are in your opinion the pros and cons of these existing solutions?
- Do you believe that Object Relational Mappers are a suitable solution to the "object persistence" problem? If yes why? If not, why?
- Do you believe that Relational Database systems are a suitable solution to the "object persistence" problem? If yes why? If not, why?
- Do you believe that Object Database systems are a suitable solution to the "object persistence" problem? If yes why? If not, why?
- What would you wish as a new research/development in the area of Object Persistence in the next 12 months?
- If you were all powerful and could have influenced technology adoption in the last 10 years, what would today's typical project use as a persistence mechanism and why?
- Any parting words about this topic?