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InfoQ Homepage News Industry Luminaries Weigh into Scalability Debate

Industry Luminaries Weigh into Scalability Debate

It is easy to underestimate the value that scaling and performance tuning experience holds. Both are problems "for later" or "when we're really popular". Early ventures never really want to spend the money right away and bigger companies can't often react quickly enough to implement the changes required. Throw in the need for a multi disciplinary team, and quickly it becomes a difficult problem with both political and engineering battles to solve.

But it's never out of the front of our minds - at the past few QCon conferences, the "Architectures You've Always Wondered About" track has been overwhelmed - and rightly so - we're keen to learn the tips and tricks about how the ‘big guys' do it.

As part of its virtual panel series, InfoQ has brought together scalability and performance architects from some of the biggest and most visible projects around, to let us into their secrets for achieving results the rest of us would just dream of.

Read the panel.