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InfoQ Homepage News DataNucleus Access Platform 1.0 (final) released

DataNucleus Access Platform 1.0 (final) released

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DataNucleus, the successor to the Java Persistence Platform JPOX, has released DataNucleus Access Platform 1.0.0 which provides access to a range of datastores for Java applications using JDO/JPA API's.

DataNucleus Access Platform 1.0.0 is fully compliant with JDO1, JDO2, JDO2.1, JPA1, and provides preview features for JDO2.2 and JPA2. It currently supports persistence to RDBMS, db4o, LDAP, XML, Excel, NeoDatis ODB, and JSON. It additionally allows configuration of classes to be persisted using JDO annotations/XML or JPA annotations/XML providing access to both JDO and JPA APIs regardless of which configuration method was chosen. Querying of the supported datastores can be performed using JDOQL, JPQL or SQL (dependent on the datastore). By making use of standardized APIs, the process of swapping persistence from one datastore to another is a simple URL change when specifying the datastore. AccessPlatform is made up of a series of OSGi compliant jars, and can be utilized in J2SE, J2EE, or OSGi container environments. By using OSGi together with eclipse extension-points, DataNucleus is extensible and provides support for your own datastore.

DataNucleus Access Platform provides the next generation of Java Persistent Objects (JPOX), and adds support for:

  • Persisting to LDAP datastores
  • Querying LDAP datastores using JDOQL
  • Querying LDAP datastores using JPQL
  • Persisting to Excel Documents
  • Querying Excel documents using JDOQL
  • Querying Excel documents using JPQL
  • Persisting to XML Documents
  • Querying XML documents using JDOQL
  • Querying XML documents using JPQL
  • DB4O in Embedded Server mode
  • Querying db4o using SQL via JDO or JPA, using sql4o
  • Querying db4o using JPQL
  • Persisting to NeoDatis ODB
  • Querying NeoDatis ODB datastores using JDOQL
  • Querying NeoDatis ODB datastores using JPQL
  • Persisting to JSON
  • Querying JSON objects using JDOQL
  • Querying JSON objects using JPQL
  • Rewritten Level 2 caching for JDO/JPA
  • Public API for accessing RDBMS Schema information
  • JDO2.2 : Support for "cacheable" declarations
  • JDO2.2 : Support for "read-only" declaration (previously was vendor extension)
  • JDO2.2 : Support for "dynamic fetch groups" declaration (previously was vendor extension)
  • JPA2 : Support for @ElementCollection, @CollectionTable
  • JPA2 : Support for EntityManagerFactory.getCache(), and some Query methods
  • Runtime Enhancement : Support for annotations, and support for specified packages.
  • RDBMS : Support for large result sets sizing using count() query
  • RDBMS : Dynamic schema upgrade when encountering new interface implementations

DataNucleus Access Platform is provided under the Apache 2 open source license.

Documentation is available to view online (or PDF).

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