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InfoQ Homepage News Inaugural MerbCamp Coming October 11-12, 2008

Inaugural MerbCamp Coming October 11-12, 2008

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MerbCamp, the first official gathering of the Merb community, will take place October 11-12 on the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) campus.

Starting October 8, Merb core team members will be on the ground in San Diego to put the final touches on the Merb 1.0 version planned to be officially released during MerbCamp.

This year's inaugural MerbCamp is organized by SD Ruby, San Diego's Ruby community, and will feature keynotes from Engine Yard co-founder and Merb's creator, Ezra Zygmuntowicz, as well as Merb developer and maintainer Yehuda Katz.

MerbCamp will be at Calit2’s Atkinson Hall and features:

  • Great Wi-Fi all over the building
  • Ethernet and power drops in theater seats
  • Live webcasting of MerbCamp talks

Registration is $50 and is now open. Talk proposals are also still being accepted and should be submitted to the MerbCamp mailing list.  A list of speakers has not yet been announced but organizers encourage people to vote for the talks they want to see.

More information about MerbCamp can be found on the event's web site where a detailed FAQ is available.