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InfoQ Homepage News Book Excerpt and Interview: Rails for .NET Developers

Book Excerpt and Interview: Rails for .NET Developers

Today InfoQ published a sample chapter from Rails for .NET Developers, a book written by Jeff Cohen and Brian Eng.  The goal of the book is to help guide .NET developers to take advantage of Ruby on Rails.

InfoQ’s Robert Bazinet had the opportunity to speak with both Brian and Jeff about their experience moving from .NET to Rails, writing their blog about the topic and of course their motivation for writing the book.

Taken from the interview:

Robert Bazinet : Why should .NET developers be interested in Ruby on Rails?

Brian Eng : I was learning Rails and using it for side-projects while working at my 9-to-5 .NET job for almost 2 years. I was shocked at how much of an immediate impact it had on how I thought about my .NET code. It definitely made me a better developer, and that in itself is reason enough to learn Ruby. Plus, as techies, we're easily distracted by new, shiny things.

Readers can download the sample chapter or read the interview, Book Excerpt and Interview: Rails for .NET Developers, in its entirety.