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InfoQ Homepage News Spring Tool Suite 2.0 Released with OSGi, Dm Server, and XML Editing Enhancements

Spring Tool Suite 2.0 Released with OSGi, Dm Server, and XML Editing Enhancements

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SpringSource has released version 2.0 of the STS. From the press release:


...STS 2.0 introduces new features and enhancements, including Project Creation Wizards, a rich forms-based Spring Configuration Editor, Spring Configuration Auto-Discovery, Quick Fixes and Quick Assist, Bean Creation Wizards, Namespace Configuration Dialog, and many other visual tools ... Also included in STS 2.0 are new tools that help visualize, package, and deploy truly modular applications onto SpringSource dm Server ... STS provides an OSGi console, graphical bundle overview page, visual dependency graph, as well as the ability to test dependencies and specify bundle deployment order.

InfoQ sat down with SpringSource's Christian Dupuis to discuss the release. He noted that the current release has two main themes:


    - Creating the best possible Eclipse development environment for Spring
    - Bringing OSGi centered development up to the same IDE level expected by developers from other Java technologies

Along those lines the XML editing features of STS now include items common to Java development such as validation, content assist, and quickfixes. The OSGi development tools include a visual bundle overview, bundle dependency graph, and a view of the live wiring of a running Spring Dm server. Dupuis also mentioned that the new Spring Tool Suite release aligns it with the current version of SpringSource's opensource Spring IDE plugins for Eclipse. Going forward he expects that Spring IDE and STS releases will be closer together. He also expects an official Eclipse 3.5 compatible release soon after 3.5 is released later this year. STS support will be added for the SpringSource tc Server this spring. It is also likely that a Spring 3 compatible release will be introduced near the time of the official Spring 3.0 Release Candidates.