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InfoQ Homepage News QCon London March 9-11 Highlights, Registration Up 100%

QCon London March 9-11 Highlights, Registration Up 100%

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QCon London, InfoQ's in-person conference is coming up March 8-11 and registration is double last year's at this time. This 4th annual event is a practitioner-driven conference designed for team leads, architects and project management. A lot of work went into the program this year for this event with usually has over 100 speakers, highlighted in this post.

This year features 15 tracks, below is a quick map of all the topics in each track:

Enterprise Agile Transformation - Teams, Learning, Contracts & Collaboration

Lean and Kanban: Learning Through Systems Thinking -  Kanban@BBC, Design Thinking,  Complexity vs. Lean, System Design

Building Systems with REST- REST@BestBuy, Hypermedia-driven apps & integration, REST in .NET

Architectures You've Always Wondered About - Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, OnLive, Visa

When Things Break -  "Let it crash", operating during Failure, Continuous Deployment, Unreliable Components

Software Architecture Improvements - Architecture Refactoring, Re-engingeering, Erosion, Arch Assessment

Design and Objects 2011 - OO@Facebook, OO@Government, Onion Design, OO in Java, Event-driven design

Next-Generation Financial Technology - Futures Trade Flow, Millisecond latencies @ Linear Scale, CEP, and more

NoSQL: Where and How - HBase@Facebook,, and more NoSQL

Software Craftsmanship - Craftsmanship & Engineering, Deliberate Practice, Leadership, Quality, Learning

Functional Web - Node.JS, Haskell, Webmachine, Clojure, Conversational Web

HTML5, the Platform - HTML5@Facebook, WebSockets, Mobile, Secure browser OO

Future of Java - JVM Languages, Java EE, Spring, OSGi, Virtualization & Cloud, GC

.NET State of the Art - Azure, Rx Async Programming, Code Contracts, Reflection

iOS4 and Android - Advanced iOS4 and Android stuff

QCon London also features 2 days of tutorials (March 7-8, 2011) and 3 conference days (March 9-11, 2011). Check out the following complete tutorial schedule:

QCon also has an iPhone app allowing you to browse the schedule by track, by time, favourite a track and access the #qcon twitter channel.

Registration this year is currently more than double the same time last year, meaning we may reach a sold-out situation like QConSan Francisco did in November. You can get in by reserving your seat now saving £135 by Feb 18th. 

Last years' QCon London drew over 650 people despite the economic downturn. There were thousands of tweets and hundreds of blogs written by attendees - see Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon London 2010 for a feel!  QConferences occurs annually in London , San Francisco, Beijing, Sao Paolo, and Tokyo.

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