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InfoQ Homepage News HeadwaySoftware has added support for Doxygen and Understand in structure101 and restructure101

HeadwaySoftware has added support for Doxygen and Understand in structure101 and restructure101

HeadwaySoftware has recently added support for Doxygen and Understand for C and C++, Delphi and Python programmers in its tools structure101 and restructure101.

The tool Structure101 helps visualizing a software architecture in terms of its code base. Thus, a software architecture and its evolution can be systematically applied, monitored, and analyzed. restructure101 supports structural refactoring to improve the software architecture.

The company added

  • C, C++ using Doxygen, or Understand from Scientific Toolworks;
  • Delphi/Pascal using ModelMaker, or Understand;
  • beta support for Python using Understand.

Software systems written in any of these languages can now be parsed and analysed quickly with respect to their structure respectively architecture.

For those interested more information is available on the web site of the tool vendor.