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InfoQ Homepage News Riak Gets Better Reliability, Improved IPv6 Support

Riak Gets Better Reliability, Improved IPv6 Support

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Riak 1.3.0 RC was recently released, with improved IPv6 support and some interesting features that improve reliability – Active Anti-Entropy and Health Check.

Active Anti-Entropy is a feature designed to be an additional layer of protection against data-corruption – it automatically detects missing or divergent data in replicas and triggers read repairs to correct the situation. This is designed to recover from various data loss situations such as disk-failure or restoring from out-dated backup. However this feature is currently limited to the Key/Value store and does not protect Riak Search data.

Other useful improvements -

  • Improved IPv6 support – Handoff and Protocol buffers can also now listen on IPv6 addresses (HTTP API already supported this)
  • Support for SmartOS 1.8
  • Riaknostic is now enabled by default
  • Health Check – a subsystem that actively monitors each node for specific condition and disables/enables services based on them
  • Ability to reset Bucket properties to default values
  • Support for logging to syslog

The version also sees the Luke application, the legacy MapReduce system, being fully removed. Luke was already deprecated in 1.2; it had become redundant once the new Riak Pipe was introduced as the MapReduce system of choice since 1.0. (You can write Map-Reduce queries for Riak in Erlang or JavaScript).

Detailed explanation of the new features as well as the complete list of bug-fixes are mentioned in the release notes.

This week also sees the third pre-release of Yokozuna, with several performance improvements. Yokozuna is a prototype project to integrate Apache Solr with Riak and is still in very early stages.

Riak is an open source, scalable, fault-tolerant, master-less data store built primarily on Erlang. It is developed and supported by Basho