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InfoQ Homepage News ReSharper 8.0 with Visual Studio 2013, IntelliSense, XAML and Blue Theme First Support

ReSharper 8.0 with Visual Studio 2013, IntelliSense, XAML and Blue Theme First Support

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ReSharper 8.0 includes support for Visual Studio 2013 Preview and XAML in adddition to a project dependency viewer, multifile templates, navigation and CSS support improvements. It also includes a new mechanism for batch-applying quick-fixes with the ability to fix code related bugs.

The project dependency viewer enables you to visualize a project dependency graph including support for 4 previous versions of Visual Studio. The latest update also includes an ability to batch fix some of the code issues which the ReSharper engine detects in the scope of a project and also removes unused directives and redundant casts. It also includes a set of new code inspections, quick-fixes, context actions and multifile templates which can be expanded to generate more than one file.

The navigation improvements included with the recent update includes Go to Everything, which enables you to search for a file, type or method name from the same input box with support for line numbers. It also enables you to browse assemblies with the help of Assembly Explorer tool in addition to Navigate to Generic Substitutions and Navigate to Assembly Explorer navigation actions.

ReSharper 8 ships with a free command line version with hundreds of inspections including a duplicate code finder which integrates with your version control system. It also includes new refactoring method such as Move Instance, which enables you to move methods between classes without making them static including new XAML based refactorings - Extract Style, Extract/Move Resource and Inline Resource.

ReSharper 8 introduces IntelliSense for extension methods with an option to import a type. Moreover, you will be able to provide additional completion items when you press the corresponding shortcut for the second time by utilizing double completion feature. It also includes NuGet based extension manager which enables you to easily discover, install and
uninstall ReSharper extensions such as plugins, templates and SSR patterns.

The latest update includes several improvements related to CSS such as smarter usage search for CSS attributes, new CSS-specific code inspections, configurable support for CSS3 in addition to compatibility checks against popular browsers. It also includes bug fixes for decompiling and code formatting including support for Blue Theme first introduced in Visual Studio 2012 Update 2.