Today at EclipseCon Europe, the Eclipse Foundation launched the Eclipse Foundation Europe GmbH , a subsidiary foundation located in Zwingenberg (Hessen), Germany. The foundation has been established to foster support for the Eclipse open source community in Europe.
With over a quarter of the community residing in Europe, and the annual EclipseCon Europe and now annual EclipseCon France, a growing base for the foundation needs support in the local region.
Ralph Mueller has been appointed the managing director of the new Eclipse Foundation Europe. Ralph has been a key part of the past EclipseCon Europe (and Eclipse Summit Europe events).
A FAQ covers the reasons why the European Foundation was created, including why it is located in Germany:
Why was this created in Germany?
The short answer is because that's where Ralph Mueller lives. Ralph will be the Managing Director of the Eclipse Foundation Europe, and will be responsible for its operations. As those who are familiar with the Eclipse community in Europe know, Ralph has been leading our staff presence there for many years.
Is the Eclipse Foundation Europe a German nonprofit corporation?
Strictly speaking, no. The EFE is incorporated as a GmbH, which is the typical form of for-profit incorporation in Germany. But that said we have no intention of changing the business model of the Eclipse Foundation and seeking profits from our operations. The EFE will be effectively operated as a not-for-profit, within the tax and regulatory requirements of Germany.
We looked at many options as we worked towards establishing the EFE, including a Verein and a charitable corporation. The GmbH approach was the most effective approach for our needs.
We are an Eclipse Foundation Member based in Europe. Should we move our membership to the EFE? Can I pay my Eclipse membership fees in Euros?
No. All memberships will continue to be held directly with the Eclipse Foundation, Inc. in the USA. As a result, membership fees must be paid in US Dollars.
In addition, the Eclipse Foundation Europe will not host projects, as the Canadian masters will be used to continue to host those projects.