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InfoQ Homepage News Bootstrap 3.2 Adds Responsive Embeds Among Others

Bootstrap 3.2 Adds Responsive Embeds Among Others

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Bootstrap 3.2 adds responsive embeds, objects and iframes, several new responsive utility classes, a considerable number of small improvements and bug fixes.

Built on top of over 1,000 commits, Bootstrap 3.2.0 comes with a several improvements and a large number of bug fixes. A framework for building websites with a responsive design, Bootstrap was missing support for responsive <embed>, <object> and <iframe> elements, feature added in this latest version. The HTML for a responsive YouTube 16:9 video that adjusts its size based on the width of the page it is displayed in looks like this:

<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">

<iframe src="…(link)…"></iframe>


Other improvements include:

  • The docs have been rearranged and updated to be more specific and easier to develop.
  • The progress bar component has been improved for increased flexibility.
  • CSS repaint performance (most notably through scrolling) has been enhanced for several components.
  • Keyboard navigation (forward and backward) is now available for the carousel.
  • Modals should no longer shift left when being opened.

Also, a number of responsive utility classes have been added: block, inline-block, and inline. The change log contains all fixes and improvements brought by this version.

To avoid certain bugs generated by invalid HTML submitted to the repository, the team behind Bootstrap has installed the LMVTFY (Let Me Validate That For You) service which watches for new issues or new comments, extracts the HTML code if any, and runs it through an HTML5 validator.

Bootstrap can now be downloaded via npm.