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InfoQ Homepage News Angular Material 1.0 is Here

Angular Material 1.0 is Here

Angular Material 1.0 has been released.

Angular Material is a set of 32 UI components representing the reference implementation of the Google Material Design specification and usable in AngularJS single-page applications. This version targets AngularJS 1.x and requires at least AngularJS 1.3.x to run.

Angular Material contains the usual UI elements - Button, Checkbox, Icon, List, Menu, and others -, but also more complex ones, such as Card, Datepicker, Speed Dial, FAB Toolbar, Grid List or Virtual Repeat, the latest reusing the visible rows in a list for performance reasons to deal with a large amount of data. The library includes a set of AngularJS directives for creating responsive layouts based on Flexbox.

Angular Material enables developers to customize the components by using CSS or themes. With CSS one can modify the look of text, buttons and checkboxes. A theme establishes a color palette that is to be used throughout the entire application.

Google intends to support the next to the latest version of the major browsers, and Angular Material has been tested with Chrome, Firefox, IE 11+, Safari, Android 4.2+ and iOS 8+. The library does not behave properly when used together with ngTouch and Ionic in a mobile application due to a conflict in handing touch commands.

For the near future, Google will attempt to keep up with the official Material Design specification. A team has also started working on a version of the UI library for AngularJS 2.0