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InfoQ Homepage News Rider EAP 23 Brings Back .NET Core Debugging for All Platforms

Rider EAP 23 Brings Back .NET Core Debugging for All Platforms

Earlier this year JetBrains' Rider IDE for the .NET platform was forced to remove .NET Core debugging support on Linux and MacOS due to licensing issues.  It was always JetBrains’ intention to restore this capability, and in the newest preview build of Rider, EAP 23, this support returns for both platforms.  What’s more, Rider can now use the MSBuild that ships with the .NET Core SDK, so .NET Core projects can be built with Rider without requiring the installation of Visual Studio or Mono. 

These are not the only enhancements that have been made to the debugging experience, JetBrains has fixed the debugger’s Console view for all platforms (Windows, Linux, and Mac) and corrected over 30 bugs.

The Code Cleanup feature that originated with ReSharper has found its way to Rider in this release.  JetBrains says that this took some serious porting effort, but this initial functionality is usable in its current state even as development continues.  A future build will bring the ability to customize Cleanup profiles within Rider, in the meantime Rider supports and will make use of existing profiles created in ReSharper.

F# developers should take note of Rider’s new ability to use the NUnit and xUnit unit test frameworks.  A quality of life enhancement adds TODO comments found in F# code to the open solution’s overall list of items to complete.

Working with different frameworks in the same solution (.NET Core, .NET Framework, etc.) has been made easier when using Solution-Wide Analysis as the displaying of the frameworks in use can now be configured to suit your needs when viewing the Errors in Solution window.  The Project Properties window has been rewritten and a Solution Properties window has been added.

Templates have been added for VB.NET project types which should make it easier to take advantage of Rider’s support for that language.  Rider has also added an XML-schema to make editing MSBuild and web.config files easier by supporting code completion, validation, and so on.

Rider EAP 23 is available for download for Mac, Windows, and Linux platforms.