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InfoQ Homepage News TriggerMesh Releases Open Source Knative Event Sources for Multi-Cloud Environments

TriggerMesh Releases Open Source Knative Event Sources for Multi-Cloud Environments

TriggerMesh has released their latest open-source project, Knative Lambda Sources (KLASS). KLASS are AWS event sources that can be used to trigger Knative functions-as-a-service (FaaS) functions within Kubernetes clusters. This enables AWS events to be consumed within a multi-cloud or on-premises environment. This announcement follows the release of Knative Lambda Runtimes which further enhance the TriggerMesh cloud platform.

Knative Lambda Sources (KLASS, pronounced class) allows Knative event sources for AWS services to be written as Go event consumers and packaged as container sources that make use of CloudEvents. At the time of writing, KLASS supports events from Code Commit, Cognito, DDB, IOT, Kinesis, S3, SNS, and SQS.

CloudEvents is organized via the Cloud Native Computing Foundation's (CNCF's) Serverless Working Group to define a common standard for defining event data. The 0.2 release of CloudEvents includes specifications for various transport mappings and bindings, including AMQP, MQTT, and NATS. There are also several SDKs available, including Go, Java, Python, C#, and JavaScript.

Knative is a "[Kubernetes]-based platform to build, deploy and manage modern serverless workloads" developer by Google in partnership with Pivotal, IBM, Red Hat, and SAP. Knative provides a set of middleware components that are "essential to build modern, source-centric, and container-based applications that can run on premises, in the cloud, or a third-party data center."

Based on the results from the New Stack's 2018 Serverless Survey, portability ranked as the chief concern affecting serverless users. According to Mark Hinkle, co-founder of TriggerMesh, "The migration from one infrastructure to another should be easy. In addition, we think that triggering functions across clouds is equally important."

TriggerMesh is focused on products that allow for migrations of functions between cloud provides (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, and on-premise Kubernetes). This is the second open-source release from TriggerMesh to assist in portability of cloud resources. Previously, they released Knative Lambda runtimes which allows for portability of Lambda functions to Knative.

TriggerMesh is also working on TriggerMesh Cloud which they claim is a complete serverless lifecycle management platform. Their plans for this product include allowing for functions to be pushed directly from source control, a web console to facilitate reusing code and workflows, and cloud portability via Triggers and AWS Lambda imports. They are also looking to provide versioning via Knative build extensions to provide immutable, reproducible builds of function images. According to Hinkle,

"Our goal is to provide a way for serverless functions to interact with all clouds and preventing lock-in and having portability. You can even use the TriggerMesh cloud to manage the deployment of serverless functions on other clouds like AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions and Microsoft Azure Functions."

Readers interested in the TriggerMesh Cloud platform can join the Early Adopter's Program.