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InfoQ Homepage News Typescript 4.2 Released, Improves Types and Developer Experience

Typescript 4.2 Released, Improves Types and Developer Experience

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The TypeScript team announced the release of TypeScript 4.2, which features more flexible type annotations, stricter checks, extra configuration options, and a few breaking changes. Tuple types now allow rest arguments in any position (instead of only in last position). Type aliases are no longer expanded in type error messages, providing a better developer experience.

TypeScript 4.2 supports rest arguments in any position in tuple types:

type T1 = [...string[], number];  // Zero or more strings followed by a number
type T2 = [number, ...boolean[], string, string];  // Number followed by zero or more booleans followed by two strings

In previous versions, the rest arguments had to be in last position (e.g., type T1 = [number, ...string[]];. It was thus not possible to strongly type functions with a variable number of parameters that ended with a fixed set of parameters:

function f1(...args: [...string[], number]) {
    const strs = args.slice(0, -1) as string[];
    const num = args[args.length - 1] as number;
    // ...

f1('abc', 5);
f1('abc', 'def', 5);
f1('abc', 'def', 5, 6);  // Error

The function f1 has an indefinite number of arguments of type string, followed by a parameter of type number. f1 can now be typed accurately. Multiple rest elements are not permitted. An optional element cannot precede a required element or follow a rest element. Types are normalized as follows:

type Tup3<T extends unknown[], U extends unknown[], V extends unknown[]> = [...T, ...U, ...V];

type TN1 = Tup3<[number], string[], [number]>;  // [number, ...string[], number]
// Optional element following required element
type TN2 = Tup3<[number], [string?], [boolean]>;  // [number, string | undefined, boolean]
type TN3 = Tup3<[number], string[], [boolean?]>;  // [number, ...(string | boolean | undefined)[]]
type TN4 = Tup3<[number], string[], boolean[]>;  // [number, ...(string | boolean)[]]
type TN5 = Tup3<string[], number[], boolean[]>;  // (string | number | boolean)[] 


TypeScript 4.2 provides a better developer experience when using type aliases:
Smarter type alias preservation

The previous example shows that the type alias BasicPrimitive that was previously expanded (normalized) in some contexts (i.e. to number | string | boolean) is no longer so. The release note emphasized the improved developer experience in several parts of the TypeScript experience:

You can avoid some unfortunately humongous types getting displayed, and that often translates to getting better .d.ts file output, error messages, and in-editor type displays in quick info and signature help. This can help TypeScript feel a little bit more approachable for newcomers.

The abstract modifier can now be used on constructor signatures.

abstract  class  Shape  {
  abstract  getArea():  number;
// Error! Can't instantiate an abstract class.  
new  Shape();

interface  HasArea  {  
getArea():  number;  
// Error! Cannot assign an abstract constructor type to a non-abstract constructor type.  
let  Ctor:  new  ()  =>  HasArea  =  Shape;

// Works!
let  Ctor:  abstract  new  ()  =>  HasArea  =  Shape;  
//          ^^^^^^^^

The new semantics for the abstract modifier allows writing mixin factories in a way that supports abstract classes.

Destructured variables can now be explicitly marked as unused. Some developers would previously write:

const [Input, /* state */ , /* actions */, meta] = input 

for better maintainability and readability instead of

const [Input, , , meta] = input 

Those developers can now prefix unused variables with an underscore:

const [Input, _state , _actions, meta] = input

The new version of TypeScript also adds stricter checks for the in operator: "foo" in 42 will trigger a type error. TypeScript’s uncalled function checks now apply within && and || expressions. Setting the noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature flag no longer makes it possible to use property access with the dot operator (e.g., when a type had a string index signature. The explainFiles compiler flag (e.g., tsc --explainFiles) has the compiler produce detailed information about resolved and processed files:

  Library referenced via 'es5' from file 'TS_Compiler_Directory/4.2.2/lib/lib.es2015.d.ts'
  Library referenced via 'es2015' from file 'TS_Compiler_Directory/4.2.2/lib/lib.es2016.d.ts'

... More Library References...

  Matched by include pattern '**/*' in 'tsconfig.json'

TypeScript 4.2 also contains a few breaking changes. Type arguments in JavaScript are not parsed as type arguments, meaning that the valid TypeScript code f<T>(100) will be parsed in a JavaScript file as per the JavaScript spec, i.e. as (f < T) > (100). .d.ts extensions cannot be used In import paths: import { Foo } from "./foo.d.ts"; may be replaced with any of the following:

import  {  Foo  }  from  "./foo.js";
import  {  Foo  }  from  "./foo";
import  {  Foo  }  from  "./foo/index.js";

TypeScript 4.2 gets TypeScript ever closer to its goal of accurately typing JavaScript at any scale, anywhere JavaScript runs. With every release, however, TypeScript increases its complexity. One developer noted:

With so many updates to TypeScript, people start wondering if there will be a point [… when] it becomes too complicated to know it all, just like C++.

TypeScript contains additional features and breaking changes. Developers are invited to read the full release note. TypeScript is open-source software available under the Apache 2 license. Contributions and feedback are encouraged via the TypeScript GitHub project and should follow the TypeScript contribution guidelines and Microsoft open-source code of conduct.