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InfoQ Homepage News Java News Roundup - Week of June 28th, 2021

Java News Roundup - Week of June 28th, 2021

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This week's Java roundup features news from JDK 17, JDK 18, GraalVM Native Build Tools, TornadoVM 0.10, the release of Quarkus 2.0 and Apache Camel Quarkus 2.0, Apache Camel 3.11, Apache Wicket, Helidon, Micronaut Foundation, JReleaser 0.5.0, IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.3, Gradle 7.1.1, Hibernate, Scala, ASM and the Spring Framework.

JDK 17

Build 29 of the JDK 17 early-access builds was made available this past week featuring updates from Build 28 that include fixes to various issues. More details may be found in the release notes.

JDK 18

Build 4 of the JDK 18 early-access builds was also made available featuring updates from Build 3 that include fixes to various issues. At this time, there are no release notes for review.

For both JDK 17 and JDK 18, developers are encouraged to report bugs via the Java Bug Database.


Oracle Labs has released version 0.9.1 of Native Build Tools, a GraalVM project consisting of plugins for interoperability with GraalVM Native Image. This release provides fixes for issues related to Maven and Gradle plugins, improved Gradle plugin documentation, and improved JUnit support.


TornadoVM, an open-source software technology company, has released TornadoVM version 0.10 featuring experimental support for JDK 16; a new option, --threadInfo, to trace thread distribution; the TornadoVM JIT compiler synchronized with GraalVM 21.1.0; and initial support for 2D arrays.

Juan Fumero, research associate, Advanced Processor Technologies Research Group at The University of Manchester, introduced TornadoVM at QCon London in March 2020 and has since contributed this InfoQ technical article.

An example application using Docker may be found on this GitHub repository.

Quarkus 2.0

Red Hat has released Quarkus 2.0 featuring support for GraalVM 21.1, Vert.x 4.0 and MicroProfile 4.0. JDK 11 will be the minimal required version, but JDK 8 is still supported in the Quarkus 1.13 release train. There were major changes with the components in SmallRye, a compatible implementation of MicroProfile 4.0.

Quarkus 2.0 will also feature a new continuous testing feature that provides continuous feedback during code changes. InfoQ recently spoke to Stuart Douglas, senior principal engineer at Red Hat, to discuss details of continuous testing. InfoQ will also follow-up with a more detailed news story on Quarkus 2.0.

Episode 55 of the weekly series, Quarkus Insights, featured the Quarkus 2.0 launch party hosted by Max Rydahl Andersen and the Quarkus development team.

Apache Camel Quarkus

Related to Quarkus, Apache has released Camel Quarkus 2.0.0 that integrates Quarkus 2.0, Apache Camel 3.11, improved testing and 13 new extensions. InfoQ will follow-up with a more detailed news story.

Apache Camel

The Apache Software Foundation has released Camel 3.11, an LTS release, with 101 new features, improvements and bug fixes. Apache Camel, an open-source integration framework based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns, supports over 50 data formats that allows developers to integrate systems that produce and consume data. More details may be found in the release notes.

Apache Wicket

Apache Wicket, an open source, component-oriented, serverside, Java web application framework, has announced that their builds and tests have successfully passed with Build 28 of JDK 17-ea and Build 3 of JDK 18-ea on Linux x86_64 and aarch64.


Minor point releases on the Helidon 1.4 and 2.3 release trains were made available this past week. Helidon 1.4.9 features dependency upgrades and bug fixes. Helidon 2.3.1 features bug fixes, dependency upgrades and enhancements related to their WebServer and WebClient components.

Micronaut Foundation

The Micronaut Foundation has announced that Bruno Borges, principal product manager for Java at Microsoft, has joined the Technology Advisory Board. The Micronaut Foundation, a non-profit organization, was established in June 2020 to advance innovation and adoption of the Micronaut framework.


JReleaser 0.5.0 has been released featuring improvements with the Homebrew packager such as new distribution types: NATIVE_PACKAGE to enable artifacts of type .dmg, .pkg, .deb, .rpm, .msi and .exe; and BINARY to enable non-Java distributions. Homebrew also supports generating casks for artifacts of type .dmg and .pkg. More details may be found in the Changelog.

IntelliJ IDEA

JetBrains has released IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.3 featuring a number of fixes such as a UI freeze issue, a generated error upon invoking the Download sources menu for Maven projects, and an infinite indexing issue. More information may be found in the release notes.


Gradle 7.1.1 has been released featuring improvements to the Java incremental compiler and providing an easier source set configuration for Kotlin. More details may be found in the release notes.


Hibernate ORM 5.5.3.Final was released featuring bug fixes and additional performance optimizations. Hibernate also introduced a new configuration property, hibernate.hbm2ddl.schema-generation.script.append, that allows developers to specify whether schema commands should be appended to the end of the file rather than overwriting the file.

Hibernate Search 6.0.5.Final was released featuring a dependency upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.4.32 and fixing a credentials error on AWS.


Shortly after the GA release of Scala 3.0, a second release candidate of Scala 3.0.1 was made available to address an issue, caused by this pull request, in which the compiler unexpectedly failed.


OW2, an independent, global, open-source software community, has released version 9.2 of ASM, an all purpose Java bytecode manipulation and analysis framework. New features include support for JDK 18, a performance improvement with the readStream() method of the ClassReader class, bug fixes and documentation improvements.

Spring Framework

Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.8.1 was released featuring dependency upgrades. It was discovered that packaging with Paketo inadvertently packaged JDK 8 with this version while version 2.7.x included JDK 11. Therefore, it was necessary to recreate images for JDK 8 and JDK 11.

As a follow-up from the recent Spring Security point releases, a CVE report was published documenting a denial-of-service attack via OAuth 2.0 and WebFlux authorization requests.