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InfoQ Homepage News Google Cloud Deploy Adds Deployment Verification, Support for Cloud Run

Google Cloud Deploy Adds Deployment Verification, Support for Cloud Run

Google has added deployment verification capabilities to its Google Cloud Deploy tool. This new feature is in preview release and makes use of recent updates to Skaffold. Along with this announcement, Google has also added support for Cloud Run to Google Cloud Deploy.

The new deployment verification step allows for using any process that runs in a container to verify the state of the application being deployed. For example, curl could be used to call routes on the application to verify its health. As with the render and deploy operations, deployment verification is performed within its own execution environment. This allows for custom configurations for verification using specific worker pools or services accounts.

This feature is enabled through the new verify command introduced in Skaffold 2.0. Skaffold is an open-sourced command line deployment tool that underpins Cloud Deploy.

Enabling deployment verification requires a few steps. First Skaffold should be configured for verification. This identifies the container image to use to run the tests and any commands to run from that image. The example below defines two images to perform both integration tests and endpoint verification:

apiVersion: skaffold/v3alpha1
kind: Config
    - image: integration-test
      context: integration-test
  - kubernetes.yaml
  kubectl: {}
- name: verify-integration-test
    name: integration-test
    image: integration-test
    command: ["./"]
- name: verify-endpoint-test
    name: alpine
    image: alpine
    command: ["/bin/sh"]
    args: ["-c", "wget $ENDPOINT_URL"]

The next step involves configuring one or more targets in the delivery pipeline for verification. Note that a verify: false is equivalent to not specifying the verify property:

kind: DeliveryPipeline
 name: my-demo-app
description: main application pipeline
 - targetId: dev
   profiles: []
       verify: true
 - targetId: prod
   profiles: []
       verify: false

Once the rollout is deployed, Google Cloud Deploy will run the Skaffold verify command, invoking the tests detailed in the verify stanza of the skaffold.yml configuration file. If any of the tests fail, the entire deployment run fails. It is possible to re-run just the deployment portion if needed.

Google Cloud Deploy verification run failure showing error logs

Google Cloud Deploy verification run failure showing error logs (credit: Google)


Cloud Run is Google Cloud Platform's managed serverless container runtime. Available as a preview feature, delivery pipelines can now specify and deploy to Cloud Run targets. This new capability provides all the existing Google Cloud Deploy features including rollback, approval, auditing, and delivery metrics. It also includes the new deployment verification feature.

Similar to the new verify phase, support for Cloud Run is enabled via new features within Skaffold. The 2.0 beta 2 release of Skaffold adds support for deploying Cloud Run services.

The Google Cloud Deploy tutorials page has been updated to include using deployment verification. More information about these releases can be found on the Google Cloud blog and within the Google Cloud Deploy documentation.

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