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InfoQ Homepage News Java News Roundup: MicroProfile 6.0, Kotlin 1.8, Spring Framework Updates

Java News Roundup: MicroProfile 6.0, Kotlin 1.8, Spring Framework Updates

This week's Java roundup for January 9th, 2023, features news from JDK 20, JDK 21, Spring Framework 6.0.4 and 5.3.25, Spring Data 2022.0.1 and 2021.2.7, Spring Shell 2.1.5 and 3.0.0-RC1, MicroProfile 6.0, Quarkus 2.15.3, Micronaut 3.8.1, Micrometer Metrics 1.10.3, Micrometer Tracing 1.0.1, Project Reactor 2022.0.2, Piranha 23.1.0, Apache Tomcat 9.0.71, JHipster Lite 0.26.0 and Kotlin 1.8.0.

JDK 20

Build 31 of the JDK 20 early-access builds was made available this past week, featuring updates from Build 30 that include fixes to various issues. More details on this build may be found in the release notes.

JDK 21

Build 5 of the JDK 21 early-access builds was also made available this past week featuring updates from Build 4 that include fixes to various issues.

For JDK 20 and JDK 21, developers are encouraged to report bugs via the Java Bug Database.

Spring Framework

The release of Spring Framework 6.0.4 delivers new features such as: Kotlin DSL support for the MockMvc class and the andExpectAll() method defined in the ResultActions interface; a new ExecutingResponseCreator class to delegate request and response; compatibility with Hibernate ORM 6.2; and native support for the @Convert annotation on JPA entities. This version will be included in the upcoming release of Spring Boot 3.0.2. More details on this release may be found in the release notes.

The release of Spring Framework 5.3.25 ships with new features such as: optimize object creation in the handleNoMatch() method defined in the RequestMappingHandlerMapping class; and add a title to factory methods of the SockJSFrame class for accessibility compliance. This version will be included in the upcoming release of Spring Boot 2.7.8. More details on this release may be found in the release notes.

Spring Data 2022.0.1 and 2021.2.7 have been released featuring mostly bug fixes and dependency upgrades to sub-projects such as: Spring Data MongoDB versions 4.0.1 and 3.4.7; Spring Data Neo4j versions 7.0.1 and 6.3.7; and Spring Data Elasticsearch 5.0.1 and 4.4.7. These releases will be consumed by upcoming releases of Spring Boot.

Versions 2.1.5 and 3.0.0-RC1 of Spring Shell have been released. Version 2.1.5 features an upgrade to Spring Boot 2.7.7 and a backport of some recent bug fixes. Version 3.0.0-RC1 features: an upgrade to Spring Boot 3.0.1; a better model of defining error handling with annotations; the CommandParser interface now reports errors for unrecognized options; and the CommandRegistration.Builder interface now has a shared configurable instance. More details on these releases may be found in release notes for version 2.1.5 and version 3.0.0-RC1.


The MicroProfile Working Group has released MicroProfile 6.0 featuring alignment with Jakarta EE 10 and a new specification, Telemetry 1.0, that replaces the original Open Tracing specification. Updated specifications provided in this version are: Metrics 5.0, JWT Authentication 2.1, Open API 3.1, Reactive Messaging 3.0 and Reactive Streams Operators 3.0. The Open Tracing 3.0 specification, having been placed in the set of standalone specifications, is still available to developers. The Jakarta EE Core Profile, new for Jakarta EE 10 and now included in MicroProfile, contains the historical JSR- and Jakarta EE-based specifications, namely CDI, JAX-RS, JSON-P and JSON-B. More details on this release may be found in the release notes and InfoQ will follow up with a more detailed news story.


Red Hat has released Quarkus 2.15.3.Final that delivers bug fixes and enhancements such as: ensure proper operation with the Kotlin implementation of the QuarkusApplication interface; introduce a JSON Stream parser for the Reactive REST Client; the ability to automatically enable/disable GraphQL Federation; and throw an IllegalStateException with basic information about the provider that failed to provide a resource. More details on this release may be found in the changelog.


The Micronaut Foundation has released Micronaut 3.8.1 featuring bug fixes, updates in testing and dependency upgrades to modules: Micronaut Servlet 3.3.3, Micronaut Data 3.9.4 and Micronaut AWS 3.10.5. More details on this release may be found in the release notes.


The release of Micrometer Metrics 1.10.3 delivers bug fixes and a number of dependency upgrades such as: Dropwizard Metrics 4.1.35, Gradle Enterprise Gradle Plugin 3.12, Reactor 2020.0.26, Reactor Netty 1.0.26 and AWS Cloudwatch SDK 2.18.41.

Similarly, the release of Micrometer Tracing 1.0.1 ships with bug fixes and a number of dependency upgrades such as: Gradle Wrapper 7.6, Testcontainers 1.17.6, Mockito 4.11.0 and Micrometer BOM 1.10.3.

Project Reactor

Project Reactor 2022.0.2, a second maintenance release, provides dependency upgrades to reactor-core 3.5.2 and reactor-netty 1.1.2.


Piranha 23.1.0 has been released. Along with the many bug fixes, this latest release delivers new features such as: integrate Eclipse Exousia 1.0.0, the compatible implementation of Jakarta Authorization, and MicroProfile Config; split the Jakarta Security module; add support for login configuration to SecurityManager API; and mark FileAuthenticationFilter as asynchronous. More details on this release may be found in their documentation and issue tracker.

Apache Software Foundation

Apache Tomcat 9.0.71 has been released with notable changes such as: correct a regression in the refactoring that replaced the use of the URL constructors; use the HTTP/2 error code, NO_ERROR, so that the client does not discard the response upon resetting an HTTP/2 stream; and change the default of the system property, GET_CLASSLOADER_USE_PRIVILEGED, to true unless the Expression Language library is running on Tomcat. More details on this release may be found in the changelog.


JHipster Lite 0.26.0 has been released featuring a number of bug fixes and enhancements such as: a new annotation, @ExcludeFromGeneratedCodeCoverage, to replace the existing @Generated annotation in places where it was explicitly added to skip a code coverage check; a refactored script for Spring Boot; and add git information for generated Spring Boot applications.


JetBrains has released Kotlin 1.8.0 featuring: new experimental functions for JVM to recursively copy or delete directory content; improved performance in the kotlin-reflect artifact; compatibility with Gradle 7.3; and a new -Xdebug compiler option for a better debugging experience. More details on this release may be found in the what's new page.

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