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InfoQ Homepage News Java News Roundup: Helidon 4.0, Eclipse Serializer 1.0, JEPs for JDK 22

Java News Roundup: Helidon 4.0, Eclipse Serializer 1.0, JEPs for JDK 22

This week's Java roundup for October 23rd, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 22, Jakarta Data 1.0-M1, GraalVM 21.0.1, Spring 6.1-RC2, Spring Modulith 1.1-RC1, Spring Vault 3.1-RC1, Helidon 4.0, Eclipse Serializer 1.0, Quarkus 3.5, Liberica NIK 22.3.4, Hibernate ORM 6.4-CR1, Hibernate Search 7.0-CR1, Maven 4.0.0-alpha8, Camel 4.0.2, Camel Quarkus 3.5, JHipster Lite 0.46 and JDKMonitor.


After its review has concluded, JEP 456, Unnamed Variables & Patterns, has been promoted from Proposed to Target to Targeted for JDK 22. This JEP proposes to finalize this feature after one previous round of preview: JEP 443, Unnamed Patterns and Variables (Preview), delivered in JDK 21. This feature will "enhance the language with unnamed patterns, which match a record component without stating the component's name or type, and unnamed variables, which can be initialized but not used." Both of these are denoted by the underscore character as in r instanceof _(int x, int y) and r instanceof _.

JEP 460, Vector API (Seventh Incubator), has been promoted from Candidate to Proposed to Target for JDK 22. This JEP, under the auspices of Project Panama, incorporates enhancements in response to feedback from the previous six rounds of incubation: JEP 448, Vector API (Sixth Incubator), to be delivered in the upcoming GA release of JDK 21; JEP 438, Vector API (Fifth Incubator), delivered in JDK 20; JEP 426, Vector API (Fourth Incubator), delivered in JDK 19; JEP 417, Vector API (Third Incubator), delivered in JDK 18; JEP 414, Vector API (Second Incubator), delivered in JDK 17; and JEP 338, Vector API (Incubator), delivered as an incubator module in JDK 16. The most significant change from JEP 448 includes an enhancement to the JVM Compiler Interface (JVMCI) to support Vector API values. The review is expected to conclude on November 3, 2023.

JEP 462, Structured Concurrency (Second Preview), has been promoted from its JEP Draft 8317302 to Candidate status. This JEP will propose to re-preview the API in JDK 22, without change, in order to gain more feedback from the previous round of preview: JEP 453, Structured Concurrency (Preview), delivered in JDK 21. This feature simplifies concurrent programming by introducing structured concurrency to "treat groups of related tasks running in different threads as a single unit of work, thereby streamlining error handling and cancellation, improving reliability, and enhancing observability."

JEP 461, Stream Gatherers (Preview), has been promoted from its JEP Draft 8317955 to Candidate status. This JEP proposes to enhance the Stream API to support custom intermediate operations. "This will allow stream pipelines to transform data in ways that are not easily achievable with the existing built-in intermediate operations." More details on this JEP may be found in the original design document written by Viktor Klang, Software Architect, Java Platform Group at Oracle.

JDK 22

Build 21 of the JDK 22 early-access builds was made available this past week featuring updates from Build 20 that include fixes to various issues. Further details on this build may be found in the release notes.

For JDK 22, developers are encouraged to report bugs via the Java Bug Database.

Jakarta Data

The first milestone release of Jakarta Data 1.0.0 provides: a new BasicRepository interface for performing basic operations on entities; new insert() and update() methods in CrudRepository interface to extend the capabilities of basic operations on entities, including insert and update operations; and new annotations, Insert, Update, Delete and Save, for CRUD operations. More details on this release may be found in the release notes.


Oracle Labs has released GraalVM for JDK 21 Community 21.0.1 featuring fixes based on the Oracle Critical Patch Update for October 2023. These include: a new CEntryPointErrors class to return errors if the stack boundaries cannot be determined; the process crashing when uncommitting unused memory; and an occasional crash using the ProcessBuilder class on macOS. Further details on this release may be found in the release notes.

Spring Framework

The second release candidate of Spring Framework 6.1 delivers bug fixes, improvements in documentation, dependency upgrades and new features such as: support for ContextLoader configuration in the @SpringJUnitConfig and @SpringJUnitWebConfig annotations for compatibility with the @ContextConfiguration annotation; improve the extensibility of the ControlFlowPointcut class to support pattern matching in method names; and a new annotation, DisabledInAotMode, in the TestContext interface to skip AOT processing. More details on this release may be found in the release notes.

The first release candidate of Spring Modulith 1.1.0 and service release 1.0.2 ship with bug fixes, dependency upgrades and improvements such as: drop support of the memoize() method in the Google Suppliers class in favor of the of() method in the Spring SingletonSupplier class; and add a mission statement to reference documentation. New features in version 1.1.0-RC1 include: create a corresponding @ApplicationModuleListener annotation to be defined in the package from its original org.springframework.modulith package and mark the original annotation as deprecated; and a refactor of the @Modulith annotation to define a Spring Boot application that follows the Modulith structuring conventions. Further details on this release may be found in the release notes for version 1.1.0-RC1 and version 1.0.2.

The first release candidate of Spring Vault 3.1.0 features improvements in documentation, dependency upgrades and new features: support for role_name and entity_alias token parameters in the VaultTokenRequest class; support for the prehashed property for the Transit Secrets Engine API; add rewrap() methods to the VaultTransitOperations interface and VaultTransitTemplate class for improved rewrap of the provided batch of cipher text using the latest version of the named key. More details on this release may be found in the release notes.


Just over one year since Helidon 4.0.0-ALPHA1 was introduced to the Java community, Oracle has released version 4.0.0 of Helidon featuring the new Helidon Níma server, support for MicroProfile 6.0; and a shift from asynchronous to blocking APIs. The Helidon Níma server was designed and built from the ground up to fully harness the capabilities of virtual threads, one of the final features of JDK 21. Further details on this release may be found in the release notes and InfoQ will follow up with a more detailed news story.

Service releases 3.2.3 and 2.6.4 of Helidon both ship with notable changes such as: the tarketKeys variable defined in the HttpSignProvider class now returns an instance of the Java ConcurrentHashMap class over the previously used HashMap class; the max-payload-size property is now parsed as of type Long to align with Helidon 4.0 and to eliminate the IllegalArgumentException when the value is greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE; and add zero-argument non-private constructors to the NonTransactionalEntityManager and ExtendedEntityManager classes. More details on these releases may be found in the changelogs for version 3.2.3 and version 2.6.4.

Eclipse Serializer

The Eclipse Foundation has released version 1.0 of Eclipse Serializer, a project designed to handle any Java object, with complex object structure, and highly secure. Formerly known as MicroStream Serializer, this project enables developers to serialize any Java object, but unlike traditional Java serialization, there is no need to implement the Serializeable interface, and no specific interfaces, superclasses or annotations are required.


Red Hat has released version 3.5.0 of Quarkus 3.5.0 featuring bug fixes, improvements in documentation and performance, and notable changes such as: support for JDK 21; enhancements in OIDC token propagation filters to customize the exchange status and provide the client name; and allow the parallel execution of blocking health checks. Further details on this release may be found in the changelog.


BellSoft has released versions 22.3.4, 23.0.2, 23.1.1 for JDK 11.0.10, 17.0.9, and 21.0.1 of their Liberica Native Image Kit builds as part of aforementioned Critical Patch Update release cycle to address: CVE-2023-22025, a vulnerability that allows an unauthenticated attacker, with network access via multiple protocols, to compromise Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition and Oracle GraalVM for JDK resulting in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to accessible data; CVE-2023-22067, a vulnerability that allows an unauthenticated attacker, with network access via CORBA, to compromise Oracle Java SE resulting in unauthorized update, insert or delete access to some of Oracle Java SE accessible data; and CVE-2023-22081, a vulnerability that allows unauthenticated attacker, with network access via HTTPS, to compromise Oracle Java SE and Oracle GraalVM for JDK resulting in an unauthorized ability to cause a partial denial of service of Oracle Java SE, Oracle GraalVM for JDK.


The first release candidate of Hibernate ORM 6.4.0 delivers: a new @SoftDelete annotation to support soft deletes, values as deleted/non-deleted versus active/inactive (reversed); implementation of the remaining functions for handling arrays in HQL and Criteria queries; and support for writing Hibernate-specific events in the JDK Flight Recorder.

The first release candidate of Hibernate Search 7.0.0 features: bug fixes; compatibility with the Hibernate ORM discriminator-based multi-tenancy, Elasticsearch 8.10 and OpenSearch 2.10/2.11; dependency upgrades to Hibernate ORM 6.3.1.Final and Apache Lucene 9.8; and rename of some Maven artifact related to JSR-352, Batch Applications for the Java Platform, to reflect the move to the Jakarta Batch specification.

Apache Software Foundation

The eighth alpha release of Apache Maven 4.0.0 provides notable changes such as: drop support for Plexus XML in favor of StAX/Woodstox for XML parsing; a new 4.1.0 POM model for future releases of Maven; and attaching the build POM with a build classifier to simplify the build/consumer implementation. More details on this release may be found in the release notes.

The release of Apache Camel 4.0.2 ships with bug fixes, dependency upgrades and new features/improvements such as: introduce the ability to use the old Micrometer meter names or follow the new Micrometer naming conventions; support for subfolders in the Dev console for uploading; and an optimization of the matchEndpoint() method defined in the EndpointHelper class to avoid regular expressions for endpoints. Further details on this release may be found in the release notes.

To maintain alignment with Quarkus, Camel Quarkus 3.5.0 has been released with notable resolutions to issues such as: a failure in the CamelOracleJdbcTest class due to timezone information not having been initialized; the Kafka container fails to start when configured for SSL; and an UnsupportedOperationException with the FastCamelContext class. More details on this release may be found in the release notes.


Version 0.46.0 of JHipster Lite has been released featuring improvements in documentation, dependency upgrades and enhancements: use more universal shebang for scripts to fix compatibility with NixOS; and add interactions, such as hover and selection, to match the current state in the Landscape MiniMap. Further details on this release may be found in the release notes.


At Devoxx Morocco, Gerrit Grunwald, principal engineer at Azul, introduced a new macOS widget for the desktop that displays the number of days until the next release/update of OpenJDK. The widget also includes functionality to display the latest version of the last four long-term support releases with the ability to download them either as a JDK or JRE with an option to bundle with JavaFX. This widget requires macOS Sonoma and can be downloaded from the App Store.

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