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InfoQ Homepage News Chicory - a WebAssembly Interpreter Written Purely in Java with Zero Native Dependencies

Chicory - a WebAssembly Interpreter Written Purely in Java with Zero Native Dependencies

Recently, multiple languages have begun supporting compilation to WebAssembly (Wasm), allowing developers to build real polyglot systems. Chicory is a Wasm interpreter for the JVM with zero native dependencies and can run on any JVM. As wazero in the Go ecosystem, Chicory promises developers to safely interact with libraries written in any language supported by the Wasm ecosystem.

The initiators of the project, Benjamin Eckel, chief technical officer at Dylibso, and Andrea Peruffo, principal software engineer at Red Hat, motivated their decision to build a WebAssembly interpreter on top of the JVM with the following statement:

Eckel & Peruffo: Wasm was born on the web, hence for safety reasons it has a sandboxed memory model which prevents modules from reading memory or jumping to code outside their scope. By default, Wasm will not allow you to access system resources such as files or networks. Also, it has no concepts like objects or heap meaning it can run low-level languages very efficiently. This makes Wasm an ideal runtime for running untrusted/third-party code written in various languages.

Chicory is similar to Graal’s WebAssembly implementation, except that it only requires a library as a jar, and doesn't have native dependencies. Presumably, it should be possible to run it on any JVM, GraalVM included. Peruffo points to wazero as inspiration - Chicory’s "distant cousin from the Go ecosystem".

To get started, just add the chicory dependency to a project, followed by loading the Wasm file and its instantiation:

   import com.dylibso.chicory.runtime.ExportFunction;
   import com.dylibso.chicory.wasm.types.Value;
   import com.dylibso.chicory.runtime.Module;
   import com.dylibso.chicory.runtime.Instance;
   // point this to your path on disk
   Module module = Module.builder(new File("./factorial.wasm")).build();
   Instance instance = module.instantiate();

The Module class, the module instance, is just the "inert" code, while the Instance class, the instance, is the Wasm virtual machine that loaded the code and can be run. Developers can invoke a function exported by the module.

   ExportFunction iterFact = instance.export("iterFact");
   Value result = iterFact.apply(Value.i32(5))[0];
   System.out.println("Result: " + result.asInt()); // should print 120 (5!)

When coding, developers should be aware of a couple of the Wasm particularities: the methods might return multiple results, and it supports just basic integer and float primitives. More complex types can be passed by transferring pointers. Using the low-level API to provide a string developers can do the following:

   import com.dylibso.chicory.runtime.Memory;  
   Memory memory = instance.memory();
   String message = "Hello, World!";
   int len = message.getBytes().length;
   // allocate {len} bytes of memory, this returns a pointer to that memory
   int ptr = alloc.apply(Value.i32(len))[0].asInt();
   // We can now write the message to the module's memory:
   memory.writeString(ptr, message);

Chicory provides the Memory class which allows developers to allocate, read and write different values to the Wasm program's memory.

By default, Wasm programs are sandboxed (they cannot affect the "outside world") and can’t do anything except compute. Developers can use a "native function" if required. The HostFunction class, written in Java, is available to be called from the WebAssembly code. Peruffo pointed out that the use cases where Chicory could be used "are endless": it was used to help with the JRuby distribution or even to "even to run Doom" on the JVM.

At this point, Chicory passes the WebAssembly test suite meaning that it can run "any correct Wasm project". As pointed out by Peruffo, "This includes 100% of the V1 specification (but no SIMD support) on the happy path". The next focus will be on making the runtime safe (incorrect programs will crash according to the spec) and later performant (JMH benchmarks were added to the project to be able to spot any "performance" regressions).

Even if multiple Wasm runtimes are available, the project’s ambition is to become the "de facto" standard WebAssembly runtime for the JVM ecosystem. Other important milestones are "becoming production ready" before its first anniversary (September 2024) and "to be fast" and compatible by the end of 2024. These imply the creation of an AOT compiler that creates JVM bytecode and support for WebAssembly System Interface Preview 1(WASI), Single Instruction Multiple Data and Garbage Collection support. Those interested in contributing can interact via the project’s GitHub page or zulip chat.

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