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InfoQ Homepage News AWS Launches Open-Source Agent for AWS Secrets Manager

AWS Launches Open-Source Agent for AWS Secrets Manager

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has launched a new open-source agent for AWS Secrets Manager. According to the company, this agent simplifies the process of retrieving secrets from AWS Secrets Manager, enabling secure and streamlined application access.

The Secrets Manager Agent is an open-source tool that allows your applications to retrieve secrets from a local HTTP service instead of reaching out to Secrets Manager over the network. It comes with customizable configuration options, including time to live, cache size, maximum connections, and HTTP port, allowing developers to tailor the agent to their application's specific requirements. Additionally, the agent provides built-in protection against Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) to ensure security when calling the agent within a computing environment.

The Secrets Manager Agent retrieves and stores secrets in memory, allowing applications to access the cached secrets directly instead of calling Secrets Manager. This means that an application can retrieve its secrets from the local host. It's important to note that the Secrets Manager Agent can only make read requests to the Secrets Manager and cannot modify the secrets, while the AWS SDK allows more.

A respondent on a Reddit thread explained the difference between the agent and AWS SDK, which, for instance, allows the creation of secrets:

This one caches secrets so that if the same secret is requested multiple times within the TTL, only a single API call is made, and the cached secret is returned for any subsequent requests.

In addition, on a Hacker News thread, a respondent wrote:

If I looked at what this does and none of the surrounding discussion/documentation, I'd say this is more about simplifying using Secrets Manager properly than for any security purpose.

To use the secret manager "properly," in most cases, you'll need to pull in the entire AWS SDK, maybe authenticate it, make your requests to the secret manager, cache values for some sort of lifetime before refreshing, etc.

To use it "less properly," you can inject the values in environment variables, but then there's no way to pick up changes, and rotating secrets becomes a _project_.

Or spin this up, and that's all handled. It's so simple you can even use it from your shell scripts.

Lastly, there are several open-source secret management tools available in the Cloud, like Infisical, an open-source secret management platform that developers can use to centralize their application configuration and secrets like API keys and database credentials, or Conjur, which provides an open-source interface to securely authenticate, control, and audit non-human access across tools, applications, containers, and cloud environments via robust secrets management. In addition to these, there are proprietary secret management solutions like HashiCorp Vault, Azure Key Vault, Google Secret Manager, and AWS Secrets Manager.

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