InfoQ Homepage News
Google Cloud Adds IAM Deny Policies
Google Cloud has moved IAM Deny policies into full general availability. IAM Deny policies work alongside the IAM Allow policies to provide more options for controlling which principals have access to which resources. IAM Deny policies are available with Google Cloud IAM for most permissions.
.NET 7 Removes Its Insecure XmlSecureResolver
.NET 7 has replaced the insecure XmlSecureResolver with a new ThrowingResolver type.
Spring Boot 3 and Spring Framework 6 Use Java 17 and Jakarta EE 9, Support Native Java with GraalVM
VMware released Spring Framework 6 and Spring Boot 3, a new generation for the Spring ecosystem. Spring Framework 6 requires Java 17 and Jakarta EE 9. It also embeds observability through Micrometer with tracing and metrics. Spring Boot 3 requires Spring Framework 6. It has built-in support for creating native executables through static Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation with GraalVM Native Image.
How We Can Use Data to Improve System Quality
To understand how systems are being used, we can collect metrics and identify trends over time. The data and insights gained can be used to improve system quality by improving software design or testing patterns.
Cloudflare Introduces Super Slurper Feature for Its R2 Object Storage in Private Beta
Cloudflare recently announced the R2 Super Sluper feature, which enables developers to move all their data to R2 in one giant slurp or sip by sip through an intuitive UI and API. The feature is in private beta by signing up.
AWS Opens New Region in Spain
AWS recently opened a new region in Spain to offer cloud services in the Iberian Peninsula and address in-country data residency and compliance requirements. The new eu-south-2 region is based in Aragón and has three availability zones.
Neo4j 5 Graph Database Supports Automated Scaling and Deployment Interoperability
Graph NoSQL database Neo4j version 5 supports query language and performance improvements, automated scale-up and scale-out capabilities, and cross-platform deployment interoperability. Neo4j team announced last week the general availability (GA) of latest product release of the graph database.
Heuristic Static Analysis Tool GuardDog Used to Detect Several Malicious PyPi Packages
GuardDog is new open source tool aimed at identifying malicious Python Packages using Sempreg and package metadata analysis. Thanks to a set of source code heuristics, GuardDog can detect malicious packages never seen before and has been used to identify several malicious PyPi packages in the wild.
C# 11 Improvements for Strings, List Patterns and Object Creation
As part of the .NET 7 launch, on November 8th Microsoft unveiled the new features of C# 11, the latest version of the popular .NET programming language. The most prominent improvements include string enhancements, static method abstractions, list patterns and required members for object creation.
Vanilla Extract - a Modern CSS in JS Library
Vanilla Extract is a new "CSS in JS" library that offers type safety, good theming support, and plenty of extensions, making it an exciting alternative to existing solutions such as Styled Components.
Google Open-Sources Secure ML Operating System KataOS
Google's AmbiML team recently open-sourced KataOS, a provably secure operating system for embedded ML hardware. KataOS is based on the seL4 microkernel and is implemented in Rust. Along with KataOS, Google is releasing Sparrow, a reference implementation of the operating system targeted for a secure hardware platform based on the RISC-V architecture.
AWS Announces Redis 7 Compatibility to Amazon ElastiCache for Redis
Recently AWS announced Redis 7 compatibility with Amazon ElastiCache for Redis, which brings several new features, such as Redis Functions, ACL improvements, and Sharded Pub/Sub.
Instagram Notification Management Now Uses Causal Inference Instead of Click-through Rate
Instagram has changed the way of creating notifications, moving from CTR to causal inference and ML models to identify highly active users who are likely to receive the notifications.
.NET 7 Adds Aggressive Garbage Collection for Kubernetes
In a Kubernetes cluster, idle services may consume too much memory, resulting in an out-of-memory situation for the whole server even nothing significant is occurring. The new GCCollectionMode.Aggressive option allows the application to tell the runtime to release memory it doesn’t need when going idle.
AWS Lambda Telemetry API Provides Enhanced Observability Data
AWS has released the AWS Lambda Telemetry API, a new way for extensions to receive enhanced function telemetry from the Lambda service. The new API simplifies collecting traces, logs, and custom and enhanced metrics from Lambda functions. Along with several example extensions, there are several extensions available from third parties including Datadog, Dynatrace, Serverless, and Sumo Logic.